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已有 598 次阅读2017-2-11 12:05 | John Lackey Cu, Mark Messier R

A Parika father of three is urgently seeking help from the public to pay for a coronary artery bypass,Cleveland Indians Michael Brantley Jersey, estimated to cost some $1.6M.Mahadeo Mohan, 52,Kyrie Irving Team USA Jersey, of Parika Back Dam,Steven Matz Mets Jersey, East Bank Essequibo,Mike Napoli Indians Jersey, had his first heart attack March 2014. At the time, he was doing his job as a farm labourer.Mahadeo Mohan’s daughters“The first time I had a heart attack I was picking bora; I was just working and I didn’t even know at the time, what was a heart attack,” Mohan said. He recalled feeling a shooting pain in his chest and he was forced to stop working that day. He was also hospitalised for days.However, Mohan’s heart problems did not stop there. He suffered another heart attack just over a year later. This heart attack, he added, was worse than the first. His condition continued to deteriorate. Mohan had no choice but to undergo expensive examinations such as angiograms and cardiac packages. These examinations,Paul Molitor Blue Jays Jersey, he said,cheap nfl jerseys store, were more often than not outside his financial reach.“I had to get a lot of help to even do the exams,” he said. His most recent examination was in August and cost him $200,Toronto Blue Jays Drew Hutchison Jersey,000.“Honestly, I couldn’t afford to do the exam. I am a very poor man…but with the help of some friends and family I was able to do the angiogram,” Mohan said. According to documents presented, Mohan was diagnosed with a critical double vessel disease. It was also noted that he suffered from diabetes.A subsequent check-up last month indicated that Mohan required a coronary artery bypass (CABG) that will cost $1.6M. The surgery would take place in Guyana. For Mohan, this figure is far above anything he could afford.Mohan explained that his condition has been taking a toll on the entire family.“My oldest daughter is married but I have twins that I have to send to school,” Mohan said. He said that the twins, Parmadai and Parbattie, are 15 years old. However, he is currently unable to send one of the twins (Parbattie) to school since the new school year commenced in August. He emphasised that being unable to send his daughter to school has been tough since he understood that education was important. He noted that it was especially important to him since he had only acquired a primary education.“I don’t want my daughters not having an education. For some people, the money I need to send them to school ain’t nuff but when you’re in my situation it’s really a lot,” he said.“It’s very, very hard; personally,Baltimore Orioles Dylan Bundy Jersey, it’s so hard financially. I cannot work since I got the second heart attack because I’m constantly in pain. Every day, my heart feeling mo’ and mo’ bad,” Mohan said. He said too that he was warned that one more heart attack will kill him.He added that he sought help from the Ministry of Social Protection both for funding and to send his daughter to school. Though he has not yet received any help, he said that the prospect seems promising.“It’s been very painful and stressful on me. I’m depending on the public and relatives and friends just to survive.”He continued, “I just really, really need this surgery to be finish so that I can feel good and go back and do my normal work. I want to be a normal person,” he stressed.In the meantime, he said, he can only wait. “But the pain just coming on in the meantime; I’m just hoping it doesn’t come too late.”Any member of the public interested in making a donation to Mohan can contact him on 679-9387 or 679-7286. Donations can also be made to Citizens Bank Guyana Inc., bank account number 218-877-632.






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