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已有 739 次阅读2017-2-11 12:03 | Randy White Je, Alex Galchenyu

– after being forced to live in fowl penBy Akola ThompsonLife for common-law couple, Imran Khan and Sherry Bacchus, has never been easy.? So when their Non-Pareil home was gutted by fire one year ago, leaving them and their three children homeless,Custom Orlando Magic Jersey, they were sure that things could not have gotten worse.The fire was said to have been started due to the fluctuating electricity they were experiencing at the time. The fire service was promptly called but by the time of their arrival, the house was already burnt down. “Whole day the light was just on an off, I went downstairs washing and I smell something and go upstairs. The wall was already on fire so I just hurry and take them two children out from the house,” Sherry Bacchus related.Despite losing their home and possessions however,Wholesale Cincinnati Bengals Jerseys, the family related that what they really lost was their peace of mind as caring for themselves and three children now seemed like a Herculean task. The first week after the fire saw the couple and their children staying in the home of a neighbour who was sympathetic of their plight. They revealed that they did not want to impose for too long, so when they became aware of a house for rent in the area, they quickly began occupying there.However, life for the couple became precarious once again after several months in the rental home. The rent which began at $12,000 would soon increase $13,000 per month and if they had stayed it would have been raised to $25,000. Khan explained that he works at La Bonne Intention (LBI) Guysuco Sugar Estate as a driver while his spouse is a housewife, as such, they could not afford this new rate along with providing for their three school aged children and themselves. “All of a sudden,Larry Allen Jersey, the people we were renting from wanted to raise the rent and we couldn’t afford it. They were just trying to put us out,” he opined.The family’s inability to pay the new rate requested and their need for somewhere to rest their heads, forced them to move into a fowl pen located on the land on which their house once stood.A Habitat for Humanity constructed home“We used to mind fowls before but with the heat, most died out and dogs catch the others. After we couldn’t pay the rent we decide that we could live in the fowl pen until we could do better,Cheap Chicago Blackhawks Jerseys,” explained Khan.Khan explained that the conditions in which they currently live are deplorable and not fit for human residence. Their six year old son Cadon Khan, who is disabled,Walt Tkaczuk Rangers Jersey, was said to have developed breathing problems due to the stench and dirty conditions and also suffers from frequent bouts of influenza. The children, aged 12, six and five were said to be resilient as they have adapted well and try their best to understand the reasons for their current living situation.A flood in the area, which resulted in the wetting of their mattresses as they slept on the ground, resulted in the family once again staying in the home of a kind stranger until the water subsided. The couple who then became aware of the Habitat for Humanity, made contact in hopes of gaining assistance to build a new house.Upon contact,Wholesale Golden State Warriors Jerseys, representatives from the “Beharry Build” partnership between Edward B. Beharry and Habitat for Humanity,John Lackey Cubs Jersey, came to verify the couple’s claims and shortlisted them for the building of a new home under the second phase of their campaign. Although construction has not yet begun, it is expected to commence later this month, something which the family is very excited about.Some building materials were donated to the couple by their families and close friends and some materials were also bought by Khan as he wanted to aid in the speedy construction of the house. The couple is also appreciative to two “secret donors” from the Enterprise Baptist Church, who left $150,000 to assist in the construction of the home.The “Beharry Build” campaign began in 2012 in an effort to provide low income families, who would not be able to secure a commercial mortgage,Anton Tinnerholm Sweden Jersey, with homes. The partnership between the non-profit and for profit organization is the only one in Guyana which mobilizes funds from the general public to help support a social cause. This is made possible as the Edward B. Beharry Company Ltd. takes one dollar off of every purchase made and donates it to the Habitat for Humanity.Since the project’s commencement, over G$19M has been raised and so far seven houses have been built and two interventions done for families in need. Three more houses are slated to be built and one intervention for the second phase of the partnership.The Habitat for Humanity is a non-profit organization whose mission is to alleviate poverty through increased accessibility to decent living conditions, especially for low income-earners and poverty-stricken families. Their partnership with Edward B. Beharry, which is one of the largest food manufacturing and distribution companies in the Caribbean, has made them more readily equipped to provide help for those in need.






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