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已有 547 次阅读2017-2-11 12:01 | Boston Red Sox, Vince Carter R

Was a time when people use to run from de police. Now de police running from people. Some people run in a bar and shoot up some people. De gunshots sound till to Big Market. Kitty police station deh nearby.Long time when old people sending li’l children to de shop dem does tell dem that dem got to return? before de spit dry. Well if somebody did spit and dem did crawl to de Kitty police station and back de spit wouldn’t dry.? Dem boys seh that de police tek thirty minutes to reach de scene.Wha really happen is that de police sit down and wait till de shooting done and de people lef de scene before dem jump in dem car and speed to de shooting scene. If you see how de police tek control of de place because dem know that de shooter gone.That is not de only time de police tek long to respond.? It got to be that dem got to get money because dem boys hear how some of dem seh that dem ain’t risking dem life fuh that pittance. In fact,Detroit Tigers Anthony Gose Jersey, Brumell seh that from now on,Jim McMahon Jersey, he authorizing he men to accept payment at de crime scene. That is one sure way of getting a swift response from de police.But dem got some policemen who don’t like criminals and dem is de ones who does deh patrolling de city day and night. Dem is de ones who got people sleeping when de night come. De only thing is that dem few.Dem is de ones who really helping fuh tek some of dem guns off de street. But then again,Abraham Almonte Indians Jersey, people got to get an incentive. De thing is that some of dem got brothers de same age as de criminals and that sometimes does mek a difference between capture and escape. But dem have a judge who prepare to put up li’l boys fuh a long time in a place wheh men does tun women.Talk half and help de police get money. Beg Jagdeo.






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