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已有 458 次阅读2017-2-6 17:43 | Enrique Hernan, Chile Jersey

Tragedy struck an East Canje family not once but twice after losing two family members in a two day span.The bereavement hit when 40-year-old Isbarran Bhognarine, called “Gaga”,Edson Puch Chile Jersey, was discovered lying face down in a canal behind the Cumberland, East Canje ball field.According to reports the man left his home on Monday morning at 9:00hrs to catch fish but never returned. His body was discovered at 16:00hrs the same afternoon. His niece spotted his body floating in the canal and rushed to inform her relatives.His mother, Meenwattie Persaud,cheap nfl jerseys discount, known as “Nando” said that she last saw her eldest son on Monday morning after making his breakfast. Persaud added that later that afternoon, his brother informed her that he had succumbed.”Me binna sleep and he buddy wake me up and tell me seh that he drown in de canal ah back. Me run and me see he wid he head down in de water,”, she recalled in tears.The grieving woman told Kaieteur News that her son struggled with epilepsy and suggested, that may have caused him to have an attack and to fall head first into the water,NFL Jerseys Cheap, since the canal was not deep.”He does always catch fits so it look like he catch fits right deh and fall in.”A post mortem conducted yesterday confirmed that Bhognarine died from drowning.Death struck once more soon after. The family received news of the demise of the dead man’s father.His father’s decomposed body was discovered at his Reliance, East Canje home by relatives who had not seen him since Monday.When Kaieteur News visited the scene, his body was being removed by undertakers.According to Ravin Persaud,Wholesale Golden State Warriors Jerseys, he last draw his uncle alive and well on Monday.”He come and help meh pen up cow Monday night and he tell me seh,Alen Halilovic Jersey, he neck back hurting so me seh go home and rest. And he go.” That was the last time he saw his uncle aliveHe told Kaieteur News that after he did not see his uncle for the past days,Alexander Semin Canadiens Jersey, he sent a relative to go check on him.”I sent he cousin to go see way he deh,Enrique Hernandez Dodgers Jersey, and when de boy go in de yard and push de door, he see he lay down on de ground, swell up”.His nephew noted that since no family member informed the older Persaud of his son’s demise,St. Louis Cardinals Whitey Herzog Jersey, he could not ascertain the cause of the man’s death.”Me nah know if somebody tell he or wah and he heart give up. Nobody nah tell am when Gaga dead so he mussie hear and tek on.”Isbarran Persaud lived alone and was a frequent imbiber. A post mortem is expected to be conducted tomorrow to determine the cause of death.






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