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Chile Jersey wbb2ncf0

已有 417 次阅读2017-2-6 08:52 | Dino Ciccarell

…as vehicles impoundedMinibus operators plying the #32 zone,Chile Jersey, the route that extends from Vreed-en-Hoop to Parika on the West Coast of Demerara,Chicago Cubs Travis Wood Jersey, are the subject of scrutiny by the Police Traffic department. A number of minibuses were impounded by the police at the Vreed-en-Hoop end of the throughway, at the police station there,cheap nfl jerseys discount, at around 10:00hrs yesterday morning.Bus operators claim that they were unnecessarily ‘pulled in’ by officers for violating the rule that states that the writing denoting the zone, that is the number, 32,Walter Payton Bears Jersey, had to be painted on,Michael Taylor Nationals Jersey, rather than using plastic templates.Drivers claim that this is the first time they have experienced such action taken by the authorities in regard to this rule,Chicago Cubs Greg Maddux Jersey, and many claim that they never heard of such a law.They noted,Wholesale Baltimore Orioles Jerseys, however, that ‘ignorance of the law is no excuse’, but the drivers maintained that the action taken was excessively harsh – detaining them for such long hours – since it cost them their day’s earning. And many say that losing one day’s work inconveniences them since they have to meet a monthly installment, due to hire purchase contracts that they are engaged in with auto dealers.The operators also complained that they are continuously being harassed on the roads by officers who they claim “only find fault to cop a raise”.They claimed that some policemen take advantage of the now existing radar guns that are being used to track down speedsters, stating that sometimes they have to “pay up” just to avoid losing time in the courts and in custody.Commuters on this route were likewise affected, many of them being compelled to seek other means of transportation, resulting in them paying more for the service.When contacted, a senior official of the Traffic Department said that the action taken by ranks was in keeping with an ongoing campaign started two weeks ago to curb malpractices by minibus operators and to ensure that the traffic laws are fully complied with.The officer warned other minibus operators in other zones to ‘put their act together’ as this campaign is on in all areas.As to the allegations of harassment,Ron Duguay Rangers Jersey, the officer said that any member of the public who has information of malpractices by police ranks can come forward with such information and investigations would be held.? Those found guilty will be penalized.The senior officer said that the impounded buses at Vreed-en-Hoop would be inspected by a certifying officer to determine the inadequacies on the vehicles after which they would be released from custody and time will be given to the operators to rectify the faults.Subsequently, this newspaper was made to understand that the buses were released to the drivers at about 16:00 hrs yesterday.






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