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已有 490 次阅读2017-2-6 08:50 | cheap nfl jers, Matias Fernand

De other day dem boys had to remember de monkey and de perfume bottle. But sometimes,Boston Red Sox Clay Buchholz Jersey, people would really get surprised at wha people does think and wha dem does end up doing.A man sit down and suddenly he decide that he gun fly people to Mars,Tony Dorsett Jersey, because de Earth gun end. From de time de man think about how de Earth gun blow up or something,Dino Ciccarelli Jersey, he come up wid a plan fuh move some people to another planet.Believe it or not some people actually pay already to go to Mars. Dem ain’t got house on Mars, no electricity, no running water,Chicago Cubs Greg Maddux Jersey, no nutten,wholesale jerseys china, but these people going. De few of dem gun start up a whole world.Jagdeo going too. From de time he tell people that he ain’t got time wid Guyana, people shoulda suspect. Donald done buy de ticket fuh Jagdeo to go to Mars. Dem boys seh that de idea is to send him far suh he can’t corrupt nobody else in Guyana. He can try wid dem pun Mars.Normally,Enrique Hernandez Dodgers Jersey, somebody pun Mars got to set up a system fuh people do different thing. Jagdeo accustom to money, but dem don’t have a printery fuh print paper money,Adam Lundqvist Sweden Jersey, suh people wondering wha people gun use fuh money. Jagdeo gun mek sure that dem use Guyana currency because he got nuff, too much fuh he alone spend in Guyana at this time. So that would be de currency of choice.Is a pity that dem got limited space pun de one-way flight. But dem ain’t got a one-way street to deal wid de eye pass whah Hannan going on wid. He decide that he got to know who driving de Lexus wha dem remigrant bring in. In fact,Wholesale Golden State Warriors Jerseys, he want to know wheh de Lexus deh. De Waterfalls boss man seh Hannan ain’t got to worry because he gun drive one and carry it in front of de Big Market paper office and give Hannan to drive.Dem boys want to know wha he does drive and who does drive he when de night come. Of course dem got space in de Lexus fuh him an even if dem ain’t got space, de Waterfalls boss man done decide that he prepared to have Hannan sit on he lap while he driving dem same Lexus wha Hannan want to know about.Is a pity that he using de Big Market paper to pick at de Waterfalls paper and de boss man just fuh get people attention. Imagine dem boys use to believe that de Big Market paper had more class.Talk half and wish somebody tell Hannan that people business is dem own.






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