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已有 385 次阅读2017-2-6 08:47 | Michael Taylor, Tom Wilson Cap

Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Assistant Secretary-General for Human and Social Development,Adrian Beltre Rangers Jersey, Dr Edward Greene, has said that CARICOM has stepped up to the plate to aggressively address the problem of drug trafficking,cheap nfl jerseys discount, regionally and nationally.Dr. Greene was at the time delivering remarks at the Opening Ceremony of the Regional Workshop on the development of National Anti-Drug Strategies and Plans which ended in St. Lucia on Friday last, after a four day forum.According to him, the drug trafficking problem will be addressed through the establishment of a fourth pillar for Community development, that is, programmes and initiatives to address Crime and Security which are being implemented and strengthened through the work of the Implementing Agency for Crime and Security (IMPACS).He added that in the same vein initiatives to reduce the demand for illicit drugs and treatment of substance abusers are being strengthened by in-country technical support to Member States.Such support, Dr. Greene noted,Tony Dorsett Jersey, is provided through the Technical Advisory Body for the Regional Drug Demand Reduction Strategy (RDDRS).“The supply of,Alen Halilovic Jersey, and demand for,Adam Lundqvist Sweden Jersey, illicit drugs are inextricably linked and if we are to see meaningful and sustained results we must address this phenomenon as a whole and not as two disparate issues,Deron Williams Team USA Jersey,” he contended.According to Dr. Greene, the development of National Anti-Drug Strategies and Plans is one way of marrying the two.In this regard,Chicago Cubs Greg Maddux Jersey, he added, the CARICOM Secretariat is pleased to be collaborating with the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission of the Organization of American States (CICAD/OAS) in conducting this regional training workshop for developing, implementing and monitoring National Anti-Drug Strategy and Plan.“The CARICOM Secretariat is committed to provide, on request from Member States,Michael Jordan Jersey, follow-up in-country technical support for this initiative.”






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