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已有 427 次阅读2017-2-6 08:44 | Washington Nat

As is customary at this time of the year the Guyana Police Force has launched its Policing Christmas programme with a number of initiatives aimed at ensuring that citizens carry out their activities throughout the festive season in a secure environment.Yesterday Commander of ‘A’ Division, George Vyphuis, and Traffic Chief Brian Joseph,Christian Vazquez Red Sox Jersey, outlined some of the plans that took effect from November 15 and will continue up until January 15, next year.Vyphuis said that it is expected that there will be an increase in commercial activities in the city and its environs. Hence there will be an increase in traffic flow for which the traffic department will have to cater.According to the ‘A’ Division Commander, Georgetown will be divided into seven sectors in order to adequately police the city and its environs. Each sector will be commanded by an officer supported by adequate ranks.This is to enhance security within the commercial sectors and the “shopping” public, including tourists and visitors. Vyphuis said there will be heightened special operations by the Criminal Investigation Department and Intelligence Section around the commercial banks.The Commander added that members of the public,Chicago Cubs Travis Wood Jersey, especially those persons who conduct business with large amount of cash, would be advised via the media,Dino Ciccarelli Jersey, television and flyers not to leave large sums of cash in their vehicles.He added that the Force will exercise zero tolerance campaign on noise nuisance.? There will also be an increase in patrols around the city, Georgetown Prison,NFL Jerseys Cheap, hotels, night spots, and post offices.The commander also took the opportunity to urge members of the public to use credit and debit cards to conduct their business. Vyphuis further stated that there will be continued information sharing through networking with Commanders, the Deputy Commissioner of Law Enforcement,Alen Halilovic Jersey, Special Branch and Guyana Association of Professional Security Organization.As it relates to the anticipated increase in traffic congestion,Adam Lundqvist Sweden Jersey, Traffic Chief Joseph said that his department is prepared to do its best with the resources at hand.“The Traffic Department in anticipation of an increase in day and night road traffic during the 2012 Christmas season has put in place arrangements to ensure that citizens’ road safety expectations are met during this period,” Joseph said.To avoid undue disruption,Adrian Beltre Rangers Jersey, Joseph said that the public will be notified via the media of any proposed road closure or diversion of traffic. Further, to maintain a free flow of traffic by keeping traffic congestion to a minimum as far as is practicable in Georgetown and its environs, special focus will be placed on those driving under the influence of alcohol,St. Louis Cardinals Whitey Herzog Jersey, speeding and overloading.In addition, the traffic ranks will be looking out for persons using mobile phones while driving and touting. There will also be additional patrols both day and night.Joseph also announced that there will be some changes relating to roads opened for two-way traffic. These include one-way traffic being allowed to now flowing north along Hinck Street between Regent and Robb Streets.Vehicles will be allowed to move west along south Street between Hinck and Water Streets then proceed north in Water Street. Sendall Place between Hadfield Street and Brickdam will be reopened to two-way traffic and Albert Street between North Road and Regent Street will be opened to two-way traffic.Commissioner of Police, Leroy Brumell noted that all of the other Divisional Commanders will also be implementing their plans so it will be a collective effort to suppress crime throughout the country.He called on his Commanders to look at the vulnerable and key areas as they roll out their respective plans.“I want to urge all ranks to carry out their duties in a professional manner at all times and I think we should have a system where you save no one and up hold your oath to serve without fear or favour.”






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