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已有 445 次阅读2017-2-6 01:16 | cheap nfl jers, Alexander Semi

Anastasia Gordon,Alen Halilovic Jersey, the sister of murdered market vendor, Letuica Rodriguez called “Mama or Samantha” is now bemoaning the police in what she calls their “lazy attitude” in finding her sister’s killer.Dead Letuica RodriguezThe woman yesterday told Kaieteur News that she is yet to get an update on her sister’s murder from the police.She explained that relatives would call and try to give the police various “tip offs” but only a few are interested enough to take the information.“Whenever we call is only one and two of the officers does help…de others does say they got work to do,Baltimore Orioles Eddie Murray Jersey,” the woman said.Gordon explained that last week she had called the police after relatives received a message saying that the suspect was hiding in an abandoned building on South Road.The woman said she rushed to the police station and told them about the information they got.Gordon said one quickly told her that he was busy so he could not assist her.“Soon as I tell them that we hear de girl hiding in the house,Matias Fernandez Chile Jersey, one jump up and said he busy,Tom Wilson Capitals Jersey, so he cant go….eventually is two police they send to search a big, big abandoned house.”She said the entire process is beginning to take a toll on the family.“My mother is sick, because she just taking on the whole thing,Enrique Hernandez Dodgers Jersey, because it looks like we ain’t getting justice” cried Gordon.But a senior police official yesterday told this publication that the police are doing everything in their power to locate the suspect.The official said that the police are working on some leads which may lead to an arrest.Rodriguez was stabbed to death almost four Sundays ago, allegedly by another woman with whom she had an ongoing feud.Relatives had told this publication that Rodriquez and the suspect had countless arguments which span over five years.Rodriguez,NFL Jerseys Cheap, 31,Washington Nationals Gio Gonzalez Jersey, of Lot 80 Breda Street,Adam Lundqvist Sweden Jersey, had several court cases with her alleged attacker in the last few years.






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