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已有 461 次阅读2017-2-5 10:31 | Wholesale Gold, Detroit Tigers

Government has announced plans to introduce specially manufactured number plates for vehicles. The number plates will have security features,Dino Ciccarelli Jersey, Minister of Governance, Raphael Trotman,Matias Fernandez Chile Jersey, disclosed yesterday.Many of the developed countries have been moving in that direction,Wholesale Golden State Warriors Jerseys, some issuing plates of different colours every other year. Instead of buying a road service licence,Wholesale Baltimore Orioles Jerseys, vehicle owners are required to purchase the plates.In Guyana,Michael Jordan Jersey, the details are still being worked out. With many persons involved in making number plates, Government intends to consult with them and open the process to bidding.The new initiative is part of the process of enhancing security. It is no secret that criminals have been capitalizing on the many sign artists available throughout the country for false number plates for their getaway vehicles.This point was raised by the Minister during the Government weekly post-Cabinet press briefings at the Ministry of the Presidency.On Tuesday, the Cabinet of Ministers said it granted approval for a proposal to establish a central system for the issuance of vehicle licence plates.Trotman acknowledged yesterday that there have been complaints by the security forces about the ease in which licence plates are made.Government would be looking at what other countries are doing with companies from overseas not ruled out from being part of the process. The security features would not be unlike that of bank notes which carry secret marks.Trotman insisted that there will be consultations with the persons and companies involved in the sign business.Government has already decided to have special number plates for its vehicles. These will bear plates bearing the letters CRG – Cooperative Republic of Guyana.This is to ensure that state-owned vehicles are easily recognizable and prevent instances of abuse. It is not unknown of Government vehicles being used for reasons other than official business.Last week,NFL Jerseys Cheap, Minister of State, Joseph Harmon,Tom Wilson Capitals Jersey, disclosed that there have been problems in recovering a number of vehicles belonging to the state that had disappeared when the new Government took office in May.“As soon as you see a CRG number plate, you know that it is a state vehicle,Deron Williams Team USA Jersey, so it is going to be easing and aiding in the identification of state owned vehicles.”






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