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已有 424 次阅读2017-2-5 10:26 | Tom Wilson Cap, Wholesale Balt

Long gone are the days when lines of students flocked the National Library for a chance to access the publications that are contained within the walls of the building, eager to complete the research necessary for the assignment that was due tomorrow.As of recent,Chile Jersey, reading actual books has declined since the arrival of new and exciting electronic devices. These have significantly over taken the minds of young people to the extent that even using their imagination has become a difficulty. Chief Librarian, Gillian Thompson, described the decrease in readers as “disheartening”.P&P Insurance Brokers CEO Bish Panday hands over cheque to Chief Librarian Gillian Thompson.Working diligently towards the initiative of promoting literacy in Guyana and resuscitating the habit of reading, the National Library has been hosting an Annual Essay and Short Story Competition. Coordinator of the Extension Activities of the Library, Margaret Eastman, stated that this competition falls under the Champion Readers’ Competition that is aimed at helping participants to ‘progress from avid readers to budding writers.’Bish Panday,Dino Ciccarelli Jersey, Chief Executive Officer of P & P Insurance Brokers & Consultants, and sponsor of the Annual Essay and Short Story Competition, even noticed the fact that there is not enough reading. He said that when students want to know something,Washington Nationals Gio Gonzalez Jersey, they “just Google it.” Therein stems the commitment to reverse this atrocity some call research.P& P Insurance Brokers deems it almost an obligation to encourage reading and, by extension, writing from individuals, thereby empowering them to develop themselves in society.Mr. Panday emphasized the benefits of learning to read and write. He stated that the benefits are too numerous to mention. Reading improves one’s vocabulary which directly lends confidence when carrying on a conversation. In addition,Christian Vazquez Red Sox Jersey, reading expands the mind and develops thinking abilities,Enrique Hernandez Dodgers Jersey, he added.The competition accommodates participants between the age ranges of nine and 35 years. It was recently expanded to accommodate prisoners. This bold initiative is believed by Mr. Panday to help in the rehabilitation process of those who have been punished by law for their misdemeanors.Inmates from the Mazaruni,Jon Casey Jersey, Georgetown, Timehri and New Amsterdam prisons participated in the competition last year. This year,Ron Duguay Rangers Jersey, inmates from the Lusignan prison are expected to participate.Among the wide range of topics from which participants can choose are ‘How it got there was a mystery to me…’; ‘I had a dream last night…’ and ‘The day I lost my library book’, all of which are designed to stimulate the mind and produce creative stories derived from an active imagination.Not forgetting the hard work put forth by the participants to write their stories and essays, the sponsor of the competition provides for the first, second and third prize winners to receive awards. The first prize winner is given a $10,NFL Jerseys Cheap,000 cash prize along with a trophy and a book, while the second and third prize winners are each given a trophy and a book along with $7,000 and $5,000 respectively.The competition last year attracted 75 participants and should attract even more this year. The competition officially commenced on April 8 and is scheduled to conclude on June 6, after which entries will be reviewed and the top three entries will be selected and given their awards.Other activities that are featured by the National Library are quizzes, debates and the popular Champion Readers’ Competition.






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