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已有 424 次阅读2017-2-5 03:07 | wholesale jers, Edson Puch Chi

– residentsResidents in the New Diamond Housing Scheme,Jon Casey Jersey, East Bank Demerara (EBD) are concerned about the presence of a house that has been abandoned for years and has become a haven for thieves and others bent on illegal activities.Kaieteur News understands that the house which is located in the Nineteenth Street of Diamond,Washington Nationals Gio Gonzalez Jersey, EBD, was fully complete with doors and grills.But it is now in shambles as persons who commit petty crimes occupy the structure,St. Louis Cardinals Whitey Herzog Jersey, which the owners have never occupied.One neighbour told this newspaper that “junkies who do their mischief and hide in the house” have resorted to slowly damaging and breaking down the building. She stated that the doors are no longer there with the junkies removing whatever they can,wholesale jerseys china, since nobody seems to care what happens to the house.Another woman explained that she is currently constructing her home close to the building and has been visiting the area for over five years checking on the progress of her establishment.However, to date she has not seen anyone at the abandoned property except for the vagrants.Some residents believe that if the owners do not claim their property soon and put security measures in place,Enrique Hernandez Dodgers Jersey, they will no longer have a house to return to.They are also concerned that petty thieves “run to the house and hide,Edson Puch Chile Jersey,” after their misdeeds.One neighbour stated that she has never set foot inside of the house but she has seen “thieves” enter and exit the property as if they were the ones who built it. She fears that the culprits will eventually vandalise other nearby homes and steal from the occupants.This publication was told that “some of the same thieves smoke their dope” and this is a major threat to residents who believe the criminals would be capable of committing any form of crime while under the influence of drugs.Even older residents have no clue about the identity of real owners.Haven for thieves? The house in Nineteenth Avenue,Walter Payton Bears Jersey, Diamond Housing SchemeThe residents hoping that the owners reclaim the property,Chicago Cubs Greg Maddux Jersey, and ensure that it is not a hazard to others.






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