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已有 398 次阅读2017-2-5 03:06 | Adrian Beltre, Alexander Semi

Just like their route 50 (Georgetown/Rosignol) counterparts, numerous route 32 (Georgetown/Parika) minibus operators have said that they are not willing to remove the painted slogans and decals from their vehicles.Minibus operators who ply other routes have also made it clear that they do not want to remove the stickers from their minibuses.The police have already stated that all signage on the minibuses need to be removed,Walter Payton Bears Jersey, save those designating the route number of the minibus. Operators have been given until February 15 to have these signs removed,Matias Fernandez Chile Jersey, or be prosecuted.The operators who spoke to this newspaper said that they do not understand why they need to remove all of the signage from their minibuses. “If there are bad words on the bus, then make drivers remove those, but do not try to break everyone just because a few people have bad things on their buses,Edson Puch Chile Jersey,” said one operator.Other operators share similar sentiments, and have said that having minibuses without stickers and decals will help encourage minibus theft. “Look how many 192s are being stolen. If all minibuses remove their stickers, then I am sure there will be an increase in the theft of minibuses,” said a route 32 conductor.On the other side of the coin, drivers said that they have no problem complying with the directive,Detroit Tigers J. D. Martinez Jersey, but they are adamant that they ought to be granted sufficient time to do so.The drivers pointed out that some of the signs on the buses are affixed with stickers. They said that these are easily removable.However, other buses sport painted slogans that would require a complete paint-over to remove. The drivers said that the cost to remove the designs is prohibitive, and they need sufficient time to comply with the order.“It costs a lot of money to have a minibus repainted; they (police) cannot just give us (operators) these deadlines and expect us to get the money to repaint our buses. Where are we supposed to find it from?” asked one driver.Similarly, there was talk, last year, of regularizing taxis.The Ministry of Home Affairs was studying the possible legislation of standardizing the colours of all taxis and eliminating the use of the front seat of the taxi by passengers.Minister of Home Affairs,Nomar Mazara Rangers Jersey, Clement Rohee,Dino Ciccarelli Jersey, had said that this is one of the measures being considered to stem the prevalence of carjacking — a problem that Guyana has been facing for a number of years.According to Rohee, apart from the colour standardization, the possibility of having taxis locally remodelled to protect the drivers from troublemaking passengers was crucial. Numerous taxi drivers have been held at gunpoint by their passengers, and have been relieved of cash,Chicago Cubs Travis Wood Jersey, valuables, and in many cases, their vehicles.“Appropriate legislation and order with respect to number plates and driver’s licence are currently under consideration,Adrian Beltre Rangers Jersey,” said the minister.Taxi drivers were not pleased with this; their main concern related to who exactly will be paying for the repainting of their cars.Considerable sums of money have been spent by taxi and minibus owners to make their vehicles look good. They have clearly stated that it is not fair for them to be told to just repaint their vehicles, after they have spent so much money on making them ‘look good.’






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