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已有 477 次阅读2017-2-5 03:06 | Michael Taylor, Boston Red Sox

Faced with a number of break-ins and robberies at post offices countrywide,Chicago Cubs Greg Maddux Jersey, the Guyana Post Office Corporation (GPOC) has shifted the time for pension payment to 08:30hrs.According to GPOC, the new time which was in trial since April will take effect from tomorrow.Previously,Adrian Beltre Rangers Jersey, pensioners could have collected their monies from the post offices in their areas from as early as 07:00hrs.Over the past year,Washington Nationals Gio Gonzalez Jersey, there have been several reported break-ins and robberies, including at Grove and Agricola, on the East Bank of Demerara. In both cases,Alexander Semin Canadiens Jersey, it appeared that the bandits were aware of the security measures in place.In November 2009 and then again in January 2010,Michael Taylor Nationals Jersey, robbers in the dark hours of the night,Tony Dorsett Jersey, broke in twice at the Grove Post Office.They used blow torches to get at the safes, stealing thousands of dollars and computers.In June last year also, some $3.2M was stolen from the Agricola Post Office. Staffers discovered that the perpetrators gained entry to the building by wrenching open a steel barrier that was designed to protect the southern door. They then forced their way through the wooden door behind the steel barrier and entered the building.Two safes in the building were torched and the monies taken. Another safe from all indication was reportedly opened with a key.Reports are that some $3.2M was taken by the perpetrators.In April,Michael Jordan Jersey, robbers also torched a safe at the Clonbrook Post Office making off with $5.7M.GPOC, last month,Detroit Tigers J. D. Martinez Jersey, had announced that time to pay pensioners would be shifted from 07:00hrs.There were other incidents over the past few years.






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