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已有 441 次阅读2017-2-5 03:01 | Tony Dorsett J, Chile Jersey

The Muslim Community in Guyana is scheduled to be graced with the presence of three prominent renowned and respected Muslim scholars, as the Muslim community of Guyana, through The Anna Catherina Islamic Complex AA (ACIC), The Guyana United Sadr Islamic Anjuman (GUSIA) and The Muslim Youth Council continue to observe programs countrywide,Adam Lundqvist Sweden Jersey, to mark the Birth Anniversary of the Beloved Prophet of Islam, Muhammad (SAS).The scholars are Shaikh Safraz Bacchus Al Azhari from New York,Wholesale Golden State Warriors Jerseys, USA, Shaykh Yasar Malik and Shaykh Huzaymah Akhtar from London,Deron Williams Team USA Jersey, England.An eminent Scholar in the ranks of Ulema,cheap nfl jerseys discount, Guyanese born Shaykh Safraz Bacchus Al Azhari, now resides in New York, USA gaining the recognition as one of the most recognized Muslim cleric in the tri-state area.Sh. Safraz was born at Patentia, West Bank Demerara, Guyana and obtained his Islamic Education in Egypt at the famed Al Ahzar University, the world’s oldest University.Shaik Safraz Bacchus A AzhariShaykh Yasar Malik & Shaykh Huzaimah AkhtarAfter completing his studies, he returned to Guyana where he became actively involved in Islamic Da‘wah and education. He served with the CIOG as Director of Education until his migration to the USA, three years ago to take up the important position of Imam at Masjid Al Abdin, the largest Masjid of people of West Indian origin in the Tri-State.He is also a Member of the ACIC and was honoured by the prestigious National Islamic Awards Committee (NIAC) for his work in promoting Islamic education in Guyana. To his credit he has produced dozens of CD’s and book.An orthodox Sunni scholar, Sh. Safraz has remained in constant contact with the Guyanese Muslim community here.Shaykh Huzaymah Akhtar hails from Stoke,Washington Nationals Gio Gonzalez Jersey, Trent,NFL Jerseys Cheap, England. He obtained his LLB from Staffordshire University and currently stands as a partner of Saints Solicitors LLP.He was one of the early graduates of the Suyuti Institute (London) and has studied under His Eminence Huzoor ShaykhZain-ul-Aqtab Siddiqi, Shaykh-ul-Hadith Maulana Shafruddin and Mufti Rafiq-ul-Hasni.He is currently the Vice Chancellor of the Suyuti Institute. He specializes in Islamic Historyand has also delivered lectures on various topics worldwide including South Africa, Australia, Fiji and Dubai.Shaykh Yasar Malik also obtained his LLB from Staffordshire University and currently works at Saints Solicitors LLP.Shaykh Yasir also studied under His Eminence Huzoor ShaykhZain-ul-Aqtab Siddiqi, Shaykh-ul-Hadith Maulana Shafruddin and Mufti Rafiq-ul-Hasni. He has also studied at Jamia Al Karam.He specializes in Fiqh/Islamic Rulings,Boston Red Sox Clay Buchholz Jersey, a topic which he now currently teaches at Suyuti.The scholars will be in Guyana from January 6-18, 2016 and a detailed itinerary will be released shortly. The Rabi-ul-Awal (the month in which the Prophet was born) programs commenced on December 13, 2015 and will climax in May,Michael Jordan Jersey, 2016.They will be staged under the theme “CELBRATING MERCY—THE UNIVERSAL MESSENGER TO ALL CREATION- PROPHET MUHAMMAD (SAS)”.Two main Programs featuring these scholars are slated for January 10 & 17, while there are programs planned for staging nationwide.The delegations will also meet with other Islamic Organizations as well as the Inter Religious Organization of Guyana (IRO). While here, they will also pay courtesy calls on several government functionaries, Opposition Leader and Members of the Diplomatic Corps.






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