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已有 457 次阅读2017-2-5 03:00 | Washington Nat, Wholesale Balt

The parents of 16-year-old Curtly Lowenfield are seeking assistance in locating their son,Chicago Cubs Greg Maddux Jersey, who has been missing since Monday.The Covent Garden,Michael Jordan Jersey, East Bank Demerara lad left home at around 17:00 hrs on Monday to buy DVDs in Herstelling,Christian Vazquez Red Sox Jersey, East Bank Demerara.When he failed to return by 22:00 hrs that night,Enrique Hernandez Dodgers Jersey, the teen’s parents contacted his friends and the police,Adam Lundqvist Sweden Jersey, but failed to learn anything about his whereabouts.They said that the lad attends Soesdyke Secondary School and has never run away from home. They say that none of his belongings are missing from his room.He was last seen wearing a yellow and green shirt and a pair of green trousers.His parents are asking anyone with information on the whereabouts of Curtly Lowenfield to contact them on telephone numbers 265-4698 and 691-4154.






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