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已有 376 次阅读2017-2-4 19:18 | Ron Duguay Ran, Christian Vazq

The police on the East Bank of Demerara are hunting for two men who were caught on camera robbing a supermarket in the Diamond New? Scheme.Reports are that the two gunmen entered the Trust Trading Supermarket around 13:45 hours yesterday. During the ordeal the men forced the supermarket staff and two customers to lie face down on the floor.However,Jon Casey Jersey, one customer upon seeing the gunmen ran out of the supermarket.An employee of the supermarket told this publication that she was attending to a customer when the two men entered,cheap nfl jerseys discount, both brandishing handguns. One of the men stood at the door while another ran to the back and ordered another employee and the two customers to the front of the store.The men then forced one of the cashiers to hand over the cash she had in the register. However,Chicago Cubs Travis Wood Jersey, after one of the gunmen looked up into the roof of the supermarket and noticed surveillance cameras he ran out leaving his accomplice.“After he see the camera he just run away but he was going to the other cashier and he partner start calling fuh he but he just run away.”After the second gunman realized why his partner exited the store he too ran out and jumped into a waiting yellow car. The police were immediately informed of the robbery and responded promptly.It was only after the ordeal then the employees realized that one of the men involved in the robbery was in the supermarket earlier in the day. This publication was told that one of the men went into the supermarket to purchase cigarettes.The owner of the store has since provided the police with surveillance footage of the robbery. Investigations are ongoing.






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