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已有 425 次阅读2017-2-4 19:16 | Matias Fernand, Michael Jordan

In its effort to assist the National Blood Transfusion Service (NBTS) in a blood drive, the Scouts Association of Guyana will be hosting a blood drive on Sunday at the Scouts headquarters in Woolford Avenue.With approximately 300 scouts,Alexander Semin Canadiens Jersey, the organisers are hoping to collect at least 100 units of blood, one unit for each year of its existence.The Scouts association is also hoping to gain the public’s support in this event, since most of their scouts are under age and thus, cannot give blood.As it relates to the centenary, it was explained that a number of events are planned in observation of the event. These include the 14th Caribbean Jamboree, which will be held at the Sophia Exhibition Centre from August 8 to August 16.Meanwhile, NBTS has scheduled a blood drive for Linden some time in April. Sensitisation programmes have already commenced.This will be the first time that the mining town of Linden will be involved in a blood drive, as a total of 60 units of blood are expected to be collected.On March 31,Detroit Tigers J. D. Martinez Jersey, the Guyana Red Cross in collaboration with School of the Nations,Matias Fernandez Chile Jersey, will be involved in a blood drive.Recently the NBTS issued a statement asking persons to urgently donate blood, as it was explained that over the holidays there were a number of serious illnesses and accident cases that required surgery.Since this follows on the heels of the four open-heart surgeries,Chicago Cubs Travis Wood Jersey, the stock of blood at the blood bank is low.It was also explained that the Georgetown Public Hospital is now involved in more complicated surgeries,Tony Dorsett Jersey, such as open-heart surgeries and kidney transplants,Tom Wilson Capitals Jersey, and as such more blood is required.Health Minister, Dr. Leslie Ramsammy,Ron Duguay Rangers Jersey, had stated that the health sector is expanding its services to the people, and now the need for 10,Washington Nationals Gio Gonzalez Jersey,000 to 12,000 units of blood per year is fast becoming a reality.He explained that between 50 and 75 units of blood need to be collected on a daily basis, so as to ensure that the blood bank has adequate stock in place to facilitate an emergency at any time.






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