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已有 406 次阅读2017-2-4 19:13 | Christian Vazq, NFL Jerseys Ch

Dave Gavin Welcome,Dino Ciccarelli Jersey, 42, a seaman of Lot 655 East Ruimveldt, Georgetown was jailed for four years and fined $30,000 after he pleaded guilty to having 2.662 kilograms of cocaine in his possession for the purpose of trafficking. The man was nabbed at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport,Nomar Mazara Rangers Jersey, Timehri,Walter Payton Bears Jersey, early yesterday morning while attempting to board a Caribbean Airlines Flight destined for the United States.The man made his appearance at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court before Chief Magistrates Priya Sewnarine-Beharry.According to the CANU Prosecutor, Oswald Massiah,Chicago Cubs Greg Maddux Jersey, Welcome was listed as a passenger on a flight bound for the United States when his luggage which was padlocked passed through the scanner and a strange object was detected.When he was contacted the defendant accepted that the suitcase was indeed his and produced the keys to have it opened. The defendant’s personal items were packed at the top of the suitcase while a black plastic bag containing the suspected illegal substance was found hidden beneath the clothing.When told of the offence,St. Louis Cardinals Whitey Herzog Jersey, Welcome admitted to CANU officials that he was paid US$400 as an advance to have the drugs delivered. He said that he was reassured that everything would be alright and once the delivery was made he would be given US$8000.After pleading guilty to the charge and begging for leniency the man told the court that he decided to take a chance to aid his family.“I took a chance to help my family because of financial difficulties,Boston Red Sox Clay Buchholz Jersey, so I am asking you,Christian Vazquez Red Sox Jersey, my honour,Detroit Tigers J. D. Martinez Jersey, for leniency because I don’t want to waste the court’s time.”






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