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已有 385 次阅读2017-2-4 19:12 | Wholesale Gold, Edson Puch Chi

Police Constable Orin Heyliger was yesterday granted bail to the tune of $500,Matias Fernandez Chile Jersey,000 when he appeared at the Cove and John Magistrate’s Court,Ron Duguay Rangers Jersey, accused of raping a 22-year-old woman.Heyliger,Walter Payton Bears Jersey, who was under close arrest,Enrique Hernandez Dodgers Jersey, appeared before Magistrate Zarina Ali.It is alleged that on July 1,Alexander Semin Canadiens Jersey, last,Chicago Cubs Greg Maddux Jersey, the woman visited the Enmore Police Station,Tony Dorsett Jersey, in relation to a report made against her by her husband when she was cornered by the accused who then carried out the act.The matter is indictable and Heyliger was not required to plea. He was ordered by the magistrate to lodge his Guyana passport and stay away from the woman and her family.The accused is expected to return to court on November 7.






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