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已有 387 次阅读2017-2-3 21:48 | Alexander Semi, NFL Jerseys Ch

While the Mayor and City Council is yet to straighten their act as it relates to the non-functional Le Repentir Mortuary, workers there are forced to work under inhumane conditions.On Saturday last,Washington Nationals Gio Gonzalez Jersey, the partly decomposed remains of a man identified as Sohan Lall Sumau were deposited outside the gates of the Le Repentir Mortuary. This has once again sparked questions by persons who are working in the area.One woman who works in the area and asked not to be identified said she has been forced to move from her post because of the pungent smell coming from the body.“A hearse from Lyken Funeral Parlour bring de body here since Saturday and just lef it, and we have to work with it right deh,St. Louis Cardinals Whitey Herzog Jersey,” the woman said.She said that,Wholesale Golden State Warriors Jerseys, over the years she has been working at the location,Walter Payton Bears Jersey, this is about the fifth instance when decomposing bodies were taken and left there to be eaten by dogs and mongooses.When contacted, an official from the Lyken Funeral Home admitted to taking the man’s remains at the Le Repentir Cemetery.The source said the funeral home was forced to do so because of the state of decomposition when the body was picked up.“We don’t have the facility to store a decomposed body,Matias Fernandez Chile Jersey, and we can not store it with other bodies because it will,Adam Lundqvist Sweden Jersey, in turn, cause the other bodies to decompose faster,” the source said.The source added that indeed they are contracted by the Guyana Police Force to store the remains of persons who have died under mysterious circumstances,cheap nfl jerseys discount, but not to store decomposed bodies.According to the source,Chicago Cubs Greg Maddux Jersey, the relatives of the dead man as well as the police have since been informed that the body is lying at the gates of the Le Repentir Mortuary.On August 5 last, the nude body of Sumau was found in the backlands of Number 69 Village, Corentyne. It is believed that the man was beaten and sodomised.






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