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已有 458 次阅读2017-1-28 01:56 | Washington Nat, Walter Payton

Residents of Linden are calling on the Minister of Health to provide another ambulance for the community in the interim of the non-functioning ambulance that is in the workshop.Chairman of the Regional Health Committee,Alen Halilovic Jersey, Maurice Butters,Edson Puch Chile Jersey, said that since the ambulance developed an engine problem one month ago many calls were made to the Ministry of Health seeking assistance in obtaining an ambulance in the interim. However,NFL Jerseys Cheap, instead,Chile Jersey, a minibus was assigned.“There was an accident today (yesterday) outside the Linden area and calls were made to the Mackenzie Hospital and they could not have responded because there was not an ambulance available.”Adding that the minibus being used as a substitute for the ambulance is putting an extra strain on the system, Butters said,Detroit Tigers J. D. Martinez Jersey, “We had to transport a patient recently to the Georgetown Public Hospital and a nurse had to hold the intra venous (I.V) in her hand throughout the journey because the minibus is not designed or have the facilities to fetch a patient.”Underscoring that earlier in the year the American Embassy donated an ambulance for the outskirts of Linden,Michael Jordan Jersey, Butters said when residents contact the Mackenzie Hospital for assistance in transporting injured relatives or persons,Adam Lundqvist Sweden Jersey, they are told to pay for their own services since the hospital cannot assist without the ambulance.“The people of Linden are asking if the Minister of Health is waiting for a disaster to happen,Tom Wilson Capitals Jersey, then action will be taken to provide an ambulance,” Butters said.






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