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已有 534 次阅读2017-1-28 01:55 | Nomar Mazara R, Ron Duguay Ran

Some of the people who were employed as voluntary staff at the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) are currently complaining about the twist in the agreement between themselves and the company.That group was employed to conduct house to house registration in Georgetown.One woman said that she was employed as an Assistant Registration Officer (ARO) for GECOM. She told Kaieteur News that she and other registration officers have not yet received their salaries for the months of June and July.She said that when they confronted their employers at the GECOM office,Adrian Beltre Rangers Jersey, they were told that they cannot be paid in full since there is a current problem being addressed with the Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company (GT&T).The group volunteered to work as temporary GECOM staff and agreed to be paid $75,Adam Lundqvist Sweden Jersey,000 monthly until the registration project was complete.They began working last December and were expected to cease in July. They were paid throughout the months up to May and were told that they would receive their salary for the months of June and July at the end of the exercise.The staff members were given cellular phones by GECOM during the house to house registration exercises,Chicago Cubs Travis Wood Jersey, each cell phone credited with $6,Alexander Semin Canadiens Jersey,000 monthly.The registration project was officially completed on July 18 last and the employees were to receive their salaries on July 25. They did not.They visited the GECOM office and were told by Chief Elections Officer,Wholesale Golden State Warriors Jerseys, Gocool Boodoo that some of the cellular bills skyrocketed and he can’t address any payment until they are sorted.None of the temporary AROs was aware of the agreement between GECOM and G&TT,Chicago Cubs Greg Maddux Jersey, and were told that they have to pay for the calls made on the cell phones after the completion of the project.They are angry that the field staffs were paid while they have to make steady inquiries about their salaries.The woman also told Kaieteur News that most of the employees to receive their salaries are single parents and teachers. She stated that she has a family to maintain and school reopens soon.Kaieteur News understands that the AROs’ salaries are being withheld until they could account for the missing equipment given to them to conduct the registration surveys.






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