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已有 456 次阅读2017-1-27 15:18 | Edson Puch Chi, Adrian Beltre

In wake of a request for probation reports on the two persons found guilty of murdering 56-year- old Colleen Forrester, Justice Roxanne George has deferred sentencing to another date.Last Friday,Tom Wilson Capitals Jersey, Anthony De Paul Hope and his friend Ralph Tyndall were convicted of murder by a mixed twelve-member jury.The two were found guilty of beating and strangling Forrester to death and dumping her body in a septic tank at her brother’s house at 55 William Street, Campbellville.Hope and Tyndall were set for sentencing yesterday,Washington Nationals Gio Gonzalez Jersey, when Attorney Melvin Duke made the request for the probation reports. The lawyer’s request was made in a courtroom packed with relatives, friends and curious onlookers,Walter Payton Bears Jersey, eager to hear the outcome of the matter.Convicted: Anthony De Paul HopeConvicted: Ralph TyndallIn his submission, Duke held that the reports based on the background of the two men may serve as some sort of redemptive measure on their behalf, and is in the interest of adequate dispensation of justice.He asked the court to take into consideration that both men are very young and can possibly change their course of direction, if they are given a chance at redemption.? The attorney noted that at their age, there is room for improvement.However, Justice George noted that the probation report may have little or no bearing on the sentencing, since the men were found guilty of a gruesome murder.“Let’s say that they get a very favourable report; that these were choir boys and regular church attendees; what good would it do at this time? They were found guilty of murder.” the Judge stated.State Prosecutor Diana Kaulesar echoed the Judge’s sentiments, in response to the attorney’s request. She told the court that now that the men were convicted of the ghastly crime, a probation report could have very little impact on their sentence.? Kaulesar said that even in the absence of antecedents, one could not escape the fact that the two were convicted for murder.She however said that the State is guided by the court‘s decision on the matter.After careful consideration,Edson Puch Chile Jersey, Justice George granted the request for the probation report.The Judge did note that it would be in the interest of justice that an impact statement is obtained from the relatives of the deceased. She said that the court would like to hear from Forrester’s family on how they have been coping with their loss; more so since one of the accused is a relative of theirs as well.Justice George adjourned the sentencing to July 15 at 13:30hrs (1:30 pm) but noted that her decision to defer sentencing was not purely based on the request,Jon Casey Jersey, but on the fact that Attorney Madan Kissoon was not present to mitigate on behalf of his client (Tyndall). Kissoon,Adam Lundqvist Sweden Jersey, the court learnt, had fallen ill over the holiday weekend.In further addressing the packed courtroom, Justice George also noted that she is yet to ascertain whether the sentence of the death penalty or terms of years would be suitable for the two.On January 6, 2008, Colleen Forrester’s body was found by police ranks; her ankles were bound and her body wrapped in sheets before it was tossed into the septic tank. Forrester was strangled and beaten to death with a pestle (mortar stick). According to reports,Deron Williams Team USA Jersey, she was last seen at the William Street, Campbellville residence on December 26, 2007.While leading his defence, Tyndall in an unsworn statement essentially blamed the murder on Hope. And Hope,Dino Ciccarelli Jersey, who testified under oath, told the court that he had nothing to do with the murder.The prosecution’s star witness, Nikita Semple, was 12 years old at the time.






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