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Alen Halilovic Jersey rnvgqvk3

已有 410 次阅读2017-1-27 15:17 | Jon Casey Jers, wholesale jers

Resident of Melanie Damishana,Alen Halilovic Jersey, East Coast Demerara,Jon Casey Jersey, will benefit from improved water service following the installation of new distribution mains, according to Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI).The old distribution main will be decommissioned on November 6,Michael Jordan Jersey, and will cease to supply customers who have failed to pay outstanding water service charges.According to GWI’s Divisional Manager (East Coast),Chicago Cubs Greg Maddux Jersey, Marlon Daniels,Chicago Cubs Travis Wood Jersey,? “The existing pipeline is very old and porous. This new water main will significantly reduce non-revenue water and improve the service level for residents.”Customers who were served by the previous system will be transferred to the new distribution main.However,Chile Jersey, customers with balances on their accounts will not be transferred to the new main until their arrears are paid.? “It is important that customers recognize that without their consistent payment,Enrique Hernandez Dodgers Jersey, improvements such as this are not possible,Washington Nationals Gio Gonzalez Jersey,” stated the Divisional Manager. “We have a number of Melanie Damishana customers with large arrears.? These must be honoured before the customer is connected to the new system.”GWI wants all customers to clear their outstanding balances in order to prevent any inconvenience.






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