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已有 370 次阅读2017-1-27 05:39 | Boston Red Sox, Jon Casey Jers

The Venezuelan Embassy yesterday handed over a quantity of items to two Non-Governmental Organisations.The donations came as a part of the observance of the establishment of the “Special Fund” for the Co-operative Level of the Embassy and Consulate. The items were handed over by Venezuelan Ambassador,Ron Duguay Rangers Jersey, Dario Morandy.Pastors Aston Alleyne and Ian Chichester received a quantity of camping materials on behalf of the Auriga Path-Finders Group.Mr. Odo Bess,Washington Nationals Gio Gonzalez Jersey, President of the Hearts and Hands,Wholesale Golden State Warriors Jerseys, which is a non-governmental organisation which specialises in anti crime projects,Jon Casey Jersey, received a mini portable computer.






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