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已有 434 次阅读2017-1-26 19:58 | Enrique Hernan, Dino Ciccarell

“You live by the sword, you die by the sword” – RelativeBy Nadia Guyadeen and Fareeza HaniffRelatives of the Lusignan massacre victims have expressed relief but yet harbour a hint of doubt about the death of notorious wanted man Rondell ‘Fine Man’ Rawlins.Rawlins, multiple murder accused, Jermaine ‘Skinny’ Charles and Sean Grant were killed by members of the Joint Services yesterday morning.The persons who lost their loved ones during the Lusignan massacre said that no matter what happens, nothing will ever remove the pain that was caused on January 26 when a barrage of gunmen stormed the East Coast Demerara Village of Lusignan, killing 11 persons, including five children.Goumattie Thomas, who lost her husband and two children,Adrian Beltre Rangers Jersey, said that she hopes that it is really Rawlins who was killed but she is still doubtful.“I hope it is really he but like I want see for myself…Every time you hear a man get shoot you does hear is Fine Man and then some time when the real thing come out you does here he deh all over the place. So if is he God really hear our prayers.”Noting the pain of her loss, Thomas said that all the victims were innocent. However, her words for Rawlins were “You live by the sword you die by the sword”.Nadir Mohammed who lost his 22-year-old son, Shazam Mohamed, and was also shot and injured during the daring attack by the gunmen, said that whether Rawlins is dead or not doesn’t remove the fact that he and all the relatives have suffered a grave loss.“Well from the beginning I did done seh that what happened on January 26 – who lose already lose…we already lost and if is he or if is not he it would benefit others but we already lose.”According to Mohamed, they had already decided to leave those responsible for the killings of their loved ones in the hands of the Creator that hopefully he would have been caught and brought to justice.Mohamed said that he has lost his well educated 22-year-old son and no matter what, nothing can bring him back.“I was also shot and up to now I am unable to work so we already carry such a big loss and face such a tragedy that is something that we can never digest, a sore that can never heal…It just keep coming up and coming up now. Whether he is caught or dead or whatever – the pain will always be there.”Rajkumar Harilall, called Bobby, who was in Trinidad when his wife, Mohandai Gourdat and two sons,Dino Ciccarelli Jersey, Seegobind,Alexander Semin Canadiens Jersey, four years old, and Seegopaul Harilall,wholesale jerseys china, 10, were killed, told this newspaper that when he heard the news, he felt a sense of relief,Boston Red Sox Clay Buchholz Jersey, but is still worried about the other members of the gang, whom he noted are still hiding.‘I still feel uneasy; there is nothing more I can think about. I’m trying to cope. If I’m at home, I think about them all the time. My whole life was taken away from me and I can’t get it back,’ Harilall said.Bibi Zalika Baksh, whose husband Shalem was also killed by the gang, expressed her happiness and relief when this newspaper visited her.However, she too is doubtful that it is really ‘Fine Man’ that was killed.‘At least it can’t bring back my husband… they should have damage he (Fine Man). They should have even bust he in half… I glad if it’s him them kill,’ Baksh said.She noted that ever since the massacre, she has not been able to stay or sleep in the house alone.Currently, her parents have to sleep at the house with her during the nights, as Baksh explained that she still lives in fear.‘Everyday meh deh ah cry… Up to yesterday me bin a cry, and what me hear here right now, meh very glad,’ Baksh noted.And residents of Bartica,Chicago Cubs Greg Maddux Jersey, who suffered similar anguish, have also expressed relief that the Joint Services unit has been able to put an end to the notorious Rondell ‘Fine Man’ Rawlins and Jermaine ‘Skinny’ Charles.Rawlins was said to be responsible for the death of twelve persons,Ron Duguay Rangers Jersey, including three police ranks in the mining community, when a barrage of marauding gunmen went on a shooting spree on February 17,Detroit Tigers J. D. Martinez Jersey, last.Speaking with Kaieteur News yesterday, Regional Chairman of Bartica, Holbert Knights said that most persons from the community have expressed relief upon hearing the news of his gruesome death.However, Knights noted that persons, as is expected, are still questioning whether it is really ‘Fine Man’ that was killed.He also explained that some members of the community have expressed their concern that there are other members of the gang who are on the loose.Knights said that although he and the community are grateful to the Joint Services for a job well done, the death of Rawlins has ‘sent all the answers to the lingering questions to the wayside,’ as now it would be difficult for the Joint Services to locate the remaining members of the gang.Nevertheless, on behalf of the relatives of the Bartica victims, Knights expressed his gratitude to the ranks for bringing some amount of closure to those who lost their loved ones at the expense of Rawlins and a number of his cohorts.






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