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已有 475 次阅读2017-1-26 19:56 | Tony Dorsett J, Ron Duguay Ran

-police investigatingA Leonora businessman is counting his lucky stars after he was shot twice during a robbery attempt at Bushy Park,Adam Lundqvist Sweden Jersey, Mahaicony,Chicago Cubs Travis Wood Jersey, East Coast Demerara,Baltimore Orioles Eddie Murray Jersey, yesterday around 10:30hrs.Bissoondyal Seepersaud,Adrian Beltre Rangers Jersey, 43, of Lot 19 Fourth Street, Leonora, West Coast Demerara received two gunshot wounds to his right foot.Up to press time last night the injured man was receiving medical attention at the Mahaicony Cottage Hospital.The police in a press statement said that investigations so far revealed that Seepersaud was driving motor lorry GMM 9253,Chicago Cubs Greg Maddux Jersey, with three male employees in the tray,Alen Halilovic Jersey, when he stopped along the roadway to drink water.Injured Bissoondyal SeepersaudThere he was confronted by a lone gunman who demanded cash.? In the midst of the commotion, a motor car approached from the opposite direction and a man armed with a cutlass joined the man with the firearm.? The businessman resisted and was shot to his right leg.The incident attracted several passing motorists who stopped,Walter Payton Bears Jersey, forcing the two men to entered the motor vehicle and escaped. No one was arrested up to press time.Seepersaud yesterday told Kaieteur News that he was in company of his son and two workers on their way to Berbice to purchase rice.He admitted that he had a quantity of money in his possession,Michael Jordan Jersey, but did not disclose the amount.Seepersaud explained that as he approached “the area with the tree in the middle of the road”, he stopped his truck with the intention of taking a drink of water. While doing so, he was confronted by a man whom he had seen sitting under the tree.“This guy start to walking towards the truck but before he reached the truck he stepped over the road and give a signal and then crossed back over.The businessman said that he didn’t assume anything “but as he reached where I was, he demand that I hand over the bag with the money.”He said that he resisted the man and that was when he was shot.Seepersaud said that he fell to the ground but the man was determined to get the bag with the money so he attempt to climb into the truck cabin to grab the bag but one of his workers pulled a piece of wood and struck him to his jaw and hip.Kaieteur News was told that after the gunman was struck, he fell from the cabin and onto the roadway. By that time a red Toyota Carina 212 Motor car stopped with two other men who were armed with cutlasses.He said that by this time, vehicles that were passing stopped causing the three men to escape in the motor car.One of the men, who stopped to his rescue, reportedly summoned the police.The businessman’s truckHe described the men as young men but did not get the time to look at the car’s registration number.The businessman said that he has been “doing buying and selling” business for a long time and would normally ply the same route.He thanked the people who came to his rescue and more so the staff at the hospital who were very cooperative.The businessman maintained that he was not “set up” the police are still continuing their investigations.






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