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已有 470 次阅读2017-1-26 19:55 | Adam Lundqvist, wholesale jers

About 12:30 hrs on Wednesday the police were on mobile patrol on the West Coast Berbice, while on the Bath Settlement Public Road when they stopped motor car HC 7077,Alexander Semin Canadiens Jersey, which was heading in the direction of Georgetown.The vehicle had five occupants. Two men and two women passengers along with the driver.Among the occupants were Lennox Williams,Matias Fernandez Chile Jersey, 22,Alen Halilovic Jersey, a solider of Lot 44 Stanleytown,Michael Taylor Nationals Jersey, New Amsterdam, Berbice.The police carried out a search on the said motor car,Baltimore Orioles Eddie Murray Jersey, and found a blue,Tony Dorsett Jersey, black and white haversack on the floor of the car behind the front passenger’s seat between Williams’s legs.The bag was opened in the passenger’s presence and a transparent plastic bag wrapped with tape was found. When opened the bag contained what appeared to be a quantity of leaves,NFL Jerseys Cheap, seeds and stem suspected to be cannabis,Edson Puch Chile Jersey,The ranks questioned the passengers about the ownership of the bag and were told that Williams entered the car with the bag. Williams however denied that the bag belonged to him.The occupants were arrested and taken to the Fort Wellington Police Station. At the station the suspected cannabis was weighed in their presence and amounted to 496 grams.A report has been complied and will be taken to the DPP for advice.The soldier who reportedly works on the East Bank Berbice is reportedly on leave.Investigations are continuing.






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