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Alexander Semin Canadiens Jersey nbdx4u33

已有 412 次阅读2017-1-26 10:06 | wholesale jers

Childhood Fantasies converted to Adult DreamsEvery man who knows how to read has it in his power to magnify himself, to multiply the ways in which he exists, to make his life full, significant and interesting. (Aldous Huxley)By Michael Benjamin As a child I never could have fathomed the complexity of the radio; just turning a knob or pressing a button allowed one to listen to his/her favourite programmes. In those days my family owned a radiogram, a square contraption that stood on four legs in the furthermost corner of the living room. The device was off limits to the little ones who had to seek permission before even touching it.As a youngster also,Michael Jordan Jersey, I was fed a healthy dose of hogwash that the announcers were actually sitting in the radio set. I would wait until no one was around and peek into the box only to be confronted by a maze of wires and tiny tubes— but no announcer.Shortly afterwards, the television was invented and only affluent families could have afforded to own one. I lived next door to one such family and ever so often they would call me over and allow me to view a cartoon of Tom and Jerry or any of the ‘general audience’ programmes that were aired early in the day.While I was prohibited from touching the radio and my parents were not affluent enough to own a television set; there was one other avenue that was open to me and which served to inform me of the day’s happenings even as I discovered new horizons.Easily accessible were the daily newspapers such as the Chronicle, Argosy, Graphic and the Citizen among others.I cannot remember what inspired me to pick up my first novel but I remember clearly that it was a book written by Enid Blyton and it really provoked me to seek out other editions and further,Nomar Mazara Rangers Jersey, other books by other writers.Who could forget the many faux pas of Mr. Twiddle that oft times landed him in trouble, or the exploits of Mr. Pink Whistle who disappeared and reappeared with a twitch of his nose?The more I delved into the fantasy of books, the more I lost the zest to listen to the radio or to view the cartoons on television. Apart from Enid Blyton novels I became obsessed by Western genre novels like Louis L’Amour and ‘Sudden’ among others.I then delved into Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew mystery novels as my appetite for books became insatiable.I attended the Campbellville Primary School and after writing Common Entrance earned a place at the North Ruimveldt Multilateral School. Less than two months after I had been admitted into that institution I sought out the Library and from then onwards haunted that room as though I lived there.Once the mind is stretched by an idea it never returns to its original size.Back in those days,wholesale jerseys china, during English Literature classes our teacher Ms Carol Manget would have us take turns reading the text under study. It was during these sessions that I explored ‘Miguel Street’ and ‘The Year in San Fernando,’ texts penned by Trinidadian V. S. Naipaul. I also studied ‘Young Warriors’ and lived through the adventures of a brave little warrior named Tommy who cheated during the rigorous tests set out by the village chief to become a Maroon but then, unable to live with his conscience, he resolved to rectify matters and eventually ended up being the hero of the Maroon Village.As I grew my literary tastes underwent drastic changes and I opted for more complex novels like Robert Ludlum and Sydney Sheldon. I then graduated to biographies and subsequently, Sociological and other complicated texts. This was around the time I ventured into tertiary education.I still seek out the radio, television and now,Walter Payton Bears Jersey, the computer for knowledge,Enrique Hernandez Dodgers Jersey, enjoyment and relaxation but I remain adamant that books have been and still are an essential aspect of my socialization process.Ever since I became engrossed in books I have expanded my knowledge base. I learnt that no knowledge is wasted; the brain simply files it away until the appropriate time. I currently experience such moments when knowledge and experiences from adolescence suddenly become useful.I had inculcated a habit of sharing with other ardent readers like myself. We would exchange books and later the contents of those books would form the basis of heated debates that broadened our horizons.I was such a voracious reader that I would walk for miles to borrow a book from a fellow reader. During my early days at ‘Multi’ I remembered leaving school one day and heading to the National Free Library where I enrolled as a member. This was without any input or advice from my seniors, teachers or parents.That decision opened new horizons for me.? Of all the volumes that I have read,Adrian Beltre Rangers Jersey, three of them jut out in my memory. In no particular order they are ‘Malcolm X’ by Alex Haley, ‘Makes you wanna holler’ by Nathan McCall and ‘Think big,’ the biography of American neurosurgeon, Benjamin Carson,Adam Lundqvist Sweden Jersey, written in conjunction with Cecil Murphey.Mr. Carson also authored another biography, Gifted Hands, which falls within my favourite, ‘must read’ column.Unfortunately, with the advent of the internet coupled with the distraction of the television and other communication mediums, not many people are finding time for books these days. But what is so distinct or advantageous of curling up with a good book in comparison to viewing a good documentary?As Mr. Carson tersely explained “It is chiefly through books that we enjoy intercourse with superior minds; in the best books, great men talk to us, give us their most precious thoughts and pour their souls into ours.”Reading can do what the television fails to do; it activates the mind and forces it to discriminate. Reading also pushes us to use our imagination and makes us more creatively inclined. As Carson pointed out, “The mind, once stretched by an idea, never returns to its original dimensions.Developmental psychologists have estimated that less than five percent of human beings have remained creative by the time they reach 18. ‘Creative,’ as used by these professionals means using one’s imagination to come up with innovative ideas or find new ways to address old problems.There have been arguments that the television has the potential of stimulating the intellects with thought provoking programmes. However, the producers package programmes often lead viewers along a certain line of thought. It is against this backdrop that I nurture serious reservations about the ability of the television to truly stimulate the intellect.Picture an analysis coming out of the White House where the President appears and delivers a speech. A network news anchor digests it for the viewers from his perspective thus taking away that discriminatory aspect so crucial for the development of the mind. Books have always presented this important ingredient thus fostering true mental development.The television is powerful enough to institute grave changes in cultural adaptations. In a presentation at one of the Caribbean Heads of Government Summits, former Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago, Basdeo Panday lamented the importation of cultural product through the television.He had said, then, that “The Caribbean has been recolonised by the hegemony of American media, much of it delivering a surfeit of gratuitous violence.”Reading embellishes the discriminatory aspect of our views and creates a better understanding of the issue under review.So where does this apply to our situation? I believe that our village elders as well as the sages should re-enact the type of thought processes that rakes our youth back to good old fashioned reading.Other than the National Free Library,Alexander Semin Canadiens Jersey, there are a few other institutions that promote reading programmes. One only needs to peruse some of the writings of some of the freshmen/women that has only recently completed Secondary education and enrolls into tertiary institutions, to understand the dire need for a reintroduction of solid reading programmes.It is, therefore, instructive to note the words of world acclaimed neurosurgeon Benjamin Carson when he said “Books are true levelers.”






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