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已有 446 次阅读2017-1-26 10:05 | Alen Halilovic, Nomar Mazara R

By Latoya Giles President of the Panther Recycling Company,Walter Payton Bears Jersey, Michael Mosgrove,Chile Jersey, says that he is deeply disappointed with the reaction of Government with regards to his proposal to set up a recycling plant in Guyana.When contacted over the weekend,Dino Ciccarelli Jersey, Mosgrove told Kaieteur News that his company has received “little” with regards the programme or his willingness to invest up to $26M and create the much needed jobs that come from such a programme.Mosgrove told Kaieteur News that he became interested in this project over a year ago and that his company should have been up and running by now.He said that he has been calling several persons from the Ministry of Local Government but he has not received one response. “It would cost the country not a penny and would start to give the public pride in the community.”Mosgrove’s Company which brought a bright idea on how to curb the garbage situation in Guyana had approached Government with a “recycling” plan. His company had offered the government a Bio diesel section to the facility,Christian Vazquez Red Sox Jersey, but was asked not to include the bio mass facility as there was a large US$800 million electric proposal on the table.Mosgrove said that Panther Corporation has the best systems in the industry and a complete recycling programme from the house or business to the plant.He added that they are well aware and they fully understand that the landfills are still problematic,cheap nfl jerseys discount, but their biomass is the solution.He explained that the facility goes hand in hand with their recycling sort modules and takes any biomass that cannot be reused to an incinerator to generate electricity. Mosgrove told Kaieteur News that the system can generate upwards of 80 MW of power,Chicago Cubs Greg Maddux Jersey, basically half of what has been recently rejected and would cost considerably less. He said that a contract with GPL could be free to Guyana.The company’s investment in Guyana would address all solid waste problems with one complete programme. He noted that Guyana can benefit in so many ways. The country would have a first measure of pick-up that helps all Guyanese to take back the pride in their communities and have a clean environment.The programme would hire up to 5000 people directly and indirectly and provide manufacturing for the recyclables to be marketed worldwide. Last year the Canadian-based recycling company embarked on a project in Jamaica to build the first solar-powered recycling centre representing a multi-billion-dollar investment and the prospect of thousands of jobs being created.The company invested US$26 million to construct and outfit a 30,000 square foot modular facility in Retirement, St James.With the approval of the St. James Parish council and the Mayor of Montego Bay, Panther has signed an MOU with the Parish. Over the last several months Panther has worked with all the parishes to establish a National Recycling Program. Although it was taking time there has been great progress with each and every parish.Minister within the Ministry of Local Government Norman Whittaker had told Kaieteur News that of the nine companies which had placed bids for Governments recycling proposals,Washington Nationals Gio Gonzalez Jersey, three have been shortlisted.The Minister had said that he could not divulge the names of the three companies that have been shortlisted. Whittaker said that there is currently a special projects department in the Ministry which is handling the proposals. He said that he not could stipulate a time when the names would be made public,Alexander Semin Canadiens Jersey, but noted that it would be before the year ends.






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