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已有 434 次阅读2017-1-26 10:02 | Alexander Semi, Wholesale Gold

A Vreed En Hoop man was ordered to pay fines totaling $252,500 by Magistrate Christel Lambert for breaching several traffic laws.Ghanrag Jardine of 155 Vreed-En-Hoop,Tony Dorsett Jersey, West Coast Demerara pleaded guilty to the charges after they were read to him.He was charged for driving with an expired insurance and fitness, no road service licence, excessive tint and an inappropriate number plate.He was ordered to pay a fine of $20,wholesale jerseys china,000 on the breach of road service charge, $25,Boston Red Sox Clay Buchholz Jersey,00o for the expired fitness and $125,000 on the number plate charge.The fines were all paid.Jardine’s car with the contentious licence plate.Jardine was driving his car on the Vreed-En-Hoop road in the vicinity of the Vreed-En-Hoop Police Station to drop off someone. He explained that he was pulled over by traffic ranks who asked him to produce his documents.However,Edson Puch Chile Jersey, unfortunately for the driver his documents were not up to date.Jardine’s vehicle was impounded at the station and he was ordered to pull off the tint. Two of his friends hurriedly assisted him in doing so. His vehicle was released the same day.Jardine is questioning why he was charged for the tint since it was removed immediately upon being instructed by the police.He was also told to fix the vehicle’s number plate since it was not suitable. Jardine also explained that the number plate he had on his car was made of carbon fibre and the letters and numbers were “stick on”.“This is the kind of number plate people making now. Lots of vehicles already have them”, he pointed out.The driver told this publication that after he had paid the fine at the court, a few lawyers told him that the most a person would pay was a fine of $8,Nomar Mazara Rangers Jersey,000 and given a ticket for the number plate offence.Jardine also said that he was informed that a warning was supposed to be given to him. If this is not the case,NFL Jerseys Cheap, he said,St. Louis Cardinals Whitey Herzog Jersey, he was informed that the fitness would be taken away until the number plate is fixed.He is still stunned at the large fine he had to pay and added “I thought I was going to court to stand up in front the Magistrate and pay $20,Michael Taylor Nationals Jersey,000.”






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