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已有 444 次阅读2017-1-26 10:01 | Tony Dorsett J, Chicago Cubs T

Two field foremen attached to two different estates ended up in a fight over a $100 Compact Disk. One of the protagonists ended up in hospital.The matter is now engaging the attention of the court.Devendar Samwaru,Christian Vazquez Red Sox Jersey, a field foreman attached to the Guysuco Rose Hall Estate,NFL Jerseys Cheap, appeared before Magistrate Krisendat Persaud on Wednesday in the Whim Magistrate’s court on a charge of unlawfully and maliciously wounding Karam Sahid,Edson Puch Chile Jersey, a field foreman attached to the Albion Estate.The wounding is alleged to have occurred on Saturday May 4,Detroit Tigers J. D. Martinez Jersey, at Free Yard, Port Mourant, Corentyne,Dino Ciccarelli Jersey, Berbice.According to prosecutor Corporal Sherlock King,Baltimore Orioles Eddie Murray Jersey, the two men are known to each other and are said to be friends.On the day in question Samwaru a father of two,Chicago Cubs Travis Wood Jersey, was said to be under the influence of alcohol when he allegedly committed the offence.?? He allegedly went over to the home of Sahid who was playing music at the time and accused him of having his CD in his possession. An argument ensued and Samwaru is alleged to have taken out a knife from his waist and stabbed Sahid about his body causing him to be hospitalized.The matter was reported and the accused was arrested and charged.In court he pleaded not guilty and was placed on $100,wholesale jerseys china,000 bail. Samwaru will have to return to court on June 3.






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