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已有 415 次阅读2017-1-25 23:22 | Chicago Cubs T, Michael Taylor

Canada-based Guyana Goldfields, which opened large-scale mining operations last year in Region Seven, is working closely with the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Protected Areas Commission (PAC) to implementGovt. and the Guyana Goldfields Inc. are hammering out a deal that will see the mining company pay for the maintenance of the Kaieteur National Park.the country’s first biodiversity offset.According to Government yesterday, the arrangement would be one of the few in the world for this type of mining operation.Guyana Goldfields, as part of its commitment to corporate social responsibility,Baltimore Orioles Eddie Murray Jersey, is implementing a number of measures to minimize biodiversity impacts resulting from its Aurora Goldmine Project (AGM) on the Cuyuni River, including the reclamation and restoration of the mining site after production.“However, in recognising that there will still be long term environmental impacts stemming from the mine, and in keeping with international best practices, the company has agreed to provide financial resources to strengthen management at the Kaieteur National Park, as a means of compensating for any additional environmental impacts at the mining site,” a Government statement explained.Biodiversity offsets often work to compensate for unavoidable biodiversity losses, by supporting the protection of biodiversity in another location.“The goal of many offsets is “no net loss” of a country’s biodiversity stemming from a development project, and to ensure that funds are directed towards improved management and protection in similar ecosystems that may be under threat.”As the first protected area in the larger Amazon region,Tom Wilson Capitals Jersey, the Kaieteur National Park (KNP) is important to the preservation of Kaieteur Falls and its significant tourism value. It is home to unique plants and animals,Tony Dorsett Jersey, many of which are not found anywhere else in the world.“Having biodiversity similar to that found in the Aurora Goldmine, the KNP is often at risk of negative impacts related to mining in the Potaro area,Wholesale Golden State Warriors Jerseys, and requires significant resources to effectively conserve and manage its biodiversity,Chile Jersey,” it was explained.“These risks, and its similarity to the Cuyuni mining site, are among a number of reasons why KNP was chosen as the beneficiary of the biodiversity offset.? Although not yet quantified,Deron Williams Team USA Jersey, the financial support provided by this offset will run for the life of the mine,Nomar Mazara Rangers Jersey, which is projected at 20 years,Walter Payton Bears Jersey, and will be used to support increased monitoring and enforcement in the park.”The company will also support ongoing research projects to determine the impact of the offset on management effectiveness at the KNP and the associated impacts on the park’s biodiversity.“As the biodiversity offset will be the first implemented for Guyana, it marks an important step in the Government’s commitment to ecologically responsible development. It is also hoped that this initiative will serve as a model for improved corporate social responsibility within the private sector, andset a precedent for effective public-private partnerships in the shaping of Guyana’s green economy.”






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