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已有 437 次阅读2017-1-25 23:19 | Matias Fernand

– medical expertThe Guyana Police Force is now left to deal with yet another attack on a public figure, Pretipaul Jaigobin, who was doused with acid Tuesday night.Up to press time, yesterday, Jaigobin was still a patient of the Georgetown Public Hospital’s Burn Care Unit. The man sustained disfigurement to his entire face and some burns to his chest.Speaking from his hospital bed yesterday, he told Kaieteur News that he had never seen his attacker and if he sees the person ever again he would not be able to identify the person.The man recalled that he was purchasing something at a shop in Strathspey, East Coast Demerara, when he heard a man behind him saying “You want power…why you don’t leave me friends alone”.Jaigobin said that as he turned around the man threw a liquid in his face. At first he thought that it was a beer until he felt a burning sensation.He said that he recalled seeing the man wearing a red T-shirt. He recalled that the man then exited the shop and ran towards a white Nissan Laurel car.Asked if he would be stepping down from his post as Assistant Treasurer of the Guyana Cricket Board, Jaigobin said he hasn’t had any time to think about that but he is more focused on getting better.Up to press time yesterday no arrest was made.Meanwhile, Bissoon Singh,Walter Payton Bears Jersey, President of the East Coast Demerara Cricket Board,wholesale jerseys china, Vice President of the Guyana Cricket Board,Jon Casey Jersey, and Chairman of the Cricket Development Committee yesterday issued a statement condemning the attack on Jaigobin.Singh’s statement read as follows: “I wish to condemn and deprecate in the strongest possible manner the violent attack on Pretipaul Jaigobin,Boston Red Sox Clay Buchholz Jersey, Treasurer of the East Coast Cricket Board, Treasurer of the Demerara Cricket Board and the Assistant Treasurer of the Guyana Cricket Board.I can personally attest to the tremendous voluntary personal sacrifices which Mr. Pretipaul Jaigobin has made over the years and the dedication which he has displayed as he executes his various functions as a cricket administrator for the benefit of the development of cricket in Guyana.There is no doubt in my mind that this cowardly act of terror has a connection with the excellent work Mr. Jaigobin has been doing for the administration of cricket in Guyana. In the discharge of his functions as a cricket administrator,cheap nfl jerseys discount, Mr. Jaigobin has been professional,Chicago Cubs Greg Maddux Jersey, diligent and brutally frank in identifying and criticizing issues of mal-administration,Michael Jordan Jersey, nepotism, cronyism, illegalities and financial improprieties whenever they surface.Only last Friday, on 21st May, 2010, at a statutory meeting of the Guyana Cricket Board, Mr. Jaigobin, in his characteristic manner, was most critical of several officers of the Guyana Cricket Board in relation to what he perceived to be certain financial and other irregularities. The meeting ended abruptly with one official walking out before its conclusion.In this regard, I am vindicated by the utterances which were allegedly made by the person who threw the acid, who has reportedly said to Mr. Jaigobin, “Why don’t you leave me friends them alone? You want power?”This most unfortunate and heinous attack on Mr. Jaigobin will have profound consequences and its ramifications will reverberate into the psyche of all Guyanese who now hold voluntary public offices and also those who may have a desire to do so.Persons will now have reasonable fear for their personal safety,Chicago Cubs Travis Wood Jersey, that of their family and their property whenever they hold or aspire to hold such an office. The holders of these offices may now lose their objectivity and may no longer be able to function efficiently and effectively.This will have devastating consequences in public administration countrywide. In this regard and as a result of this atrocity, several officials from the East Coast Cricket Board and the Demerara Cricket Board have expressed concerns regarding their personal safety and that of their family and have expressed an intention to resign.If this were to happen, then the cowards would have been victorious and tyranny will prevail over good and proper administration. I wish to take this opportunity to urge these persons to use this incident to strengthen their resolve as we continue to struggle for the development and advancement of cricket in Guyana.I wish to call upon the Commissioner of Police and the Minister of Home Affairs to ensure that this matter is thoroughly and professionally investigated and that the perpetrator(s) of this horrendous act is/are arrested and brought to justice. On behalf of? the East Coast Cricket Board, the Demerara Cricket Board and the Cricket Development Committee and personally, I take this opportunity to express my deepest sympathy to Mr. Jaigobin and his family in this their period of tragedy and to wish Mr. Jaigobin a speedy recovery.






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