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已有 383 次阅读2017-1-25 03:48 | Washington Nat, Wholesale Gold

By Tiffanne RamphalAs September, the designated month to celebrate Amerindian Heritage, fast approaches, the Amerindian Ministry has demonstrated its readiness by producing a fully planned agenda for the upcoming month’s activities.This year, celebrated under the theme, “Honouring our culture,Michael Taylor Nationals Jersey, Advancing our future”, heritage month will kick off with an inter-faith service before its grand launch on the first day of September.The news was relayed,Jon Casey Jersey, yesterday, at a meeting held at the Ministry of Amerindian Affairs, headed by Advisor to the Minister Yvonne Pearson. She, along with a number of Ministry representatives, briefly introduced each activity that will be kept, throughout the month, in honour of Amerindian culture.Pearson said that the first planned activity, the inter-faith service, will be held on August 31. She said that as is customary, the monthMembers of the head table at yesterday’s conference. From left: Egbert Mayers, Alexi La Rose, Jude Da Silva, Yvonne Pearson,Enrique Hernandez Dodgers Jersey, Sharon Hicks and Jolene Brown.should start off by “giving God thanks and praise.” The interfaith service, according to the preparations, includes representation from other religious denominations. Among those slated to participate are the Central Islamic Organisation of Guyana, the Baha’i Community, the Assemblies of God and the Hindu Dharmic Sabha.Pearson indicated that the Amerindian-based religious collection, the Hallelujah group, from the Upper Mazaruni,Adrian Beltre Rangers Jersey, will also be a part of the events’ proceedings.Following the inter-faith service will be the grand official launching of Amerindian Heritage Month 2013.The event will take place at the Amerindian Village, National Exhibition Complex, Sophia. According to the Ministry’s Project Coordinator, Jude Da Silva, the program for this event will consist of several cultural items coming from the nine Amerindian tribes of Guyana.The feature address will be given by His Excellency, President Donald Ramotar. According to the programme, Minister of Amerindian Affairs,NFL Jerseys Cheap, Pauline Sukhai,Nomar Mazara Rangers Jersey, will also be a keynote speaker.After the official launch,Dino Ciccarelli Jersey, the month’s activities will continue, with the indigenous peoples displaying their culture by means of presentations including exhibits of their art, craft and cuisine. The craft and food exhibitions will continue at Sophia for four full days after the opening.The next activity planned would be the Heritage Village Celebration, slated for September 7. Management Development Officer at the Amerindian Ministry, Alexi La Rose, informed that this year’s heritage village host is Karasabai, located in the South Pakaraima Mountains, Upper Takatu-Essequibo, Region 9.She stated that those who opt to travel out to the scenic village would be in for a treat, since activities that are planned include cassava grating and mule riding competitions, as well as archery, dancing, and a cross country race.La Rose added that the village will be hosting the Heritage Walk this year, an activity which is usually held in Georgetown.Following the heritage village celebrations, will be the Stephen Campbell exhibition, held on September 10 at the Umana Yana, in honour of the first Amerindian Parliamentarian. Sharon Hicks, also serving at the Ministry as a Management Development Officer, informed that the date was chosen since it is on the same day that Campbell “got into Parliament” 56 years ago.In honour of Campbell’s service, students will be enacting drama presentations to tell his story.On the evening of September 15, the Ministry will be hosting a dinner at the Georgetown Club, serving buffets of Amerindian cuisine and drinks. According to Claire Emanuel, Administrator of the Amerindian Hostel in Georgetown, the dinner is considered a fund-raising activity, since the fees collected from the ticket sales will go towards supporting Amerindian patients seeking medical attention. The funds will be used to cover expenses for undertaking MRI and CT Scans, as well as ultrasounds, for Amerindians out of far-reaching communities.Of special importance will be launch of the Amerindian Language Revival Project, slated for September 19 at Capoey,Chicago Cubs Greg Maddux Jersey, Region Two.According to the Advisor to the Minister, it has become of concern that the Amerindian community is losing its languages and thus, the Amerindian Affairs Minister will be expending funds to revive them. Pearson said that during the implementation of the project, children will be fully involved.Next will be the sporting action. According to the Ministry’s sports organizer, Egbert Mayers, the activities will be held at the Georgetown Cricket Club on September 21 and 22. Participating in the games will be both males and females, competing to come off winners in games of football, volleyball and cricket. Mayers said that track and field activities are also included in the plans.And last but not least, arguably the most anticipated event of the month, the Heritage Pageant, will be held on September 29 at the National Cultural Centre. According to the Ministry representative responsible for the pageant, Jolene Brown, “10 culturally grounded, beautiful Amerindian women from each of Guyana’s 10 administrative regions will be vying for the heritage crown”. The pageant will unfold in four segments; the introductory, talent, traditional wear and intelligence segments; following which the queen will be crowned.






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