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已有 384 次阅读2017-1-25 03:47 | Michael Taylor, Baltimore Orio

– ex-cop escapes dragnet ?Police may be hoping that they have put the brakes on the spate of robberies at bogus roadblocks, following the recent capture of a wanted man and his alleged accomplice.Rayon Paddy and another man identified as Orin Arthur, were arrested at around 20.30 hrs on Friday during a police raid in Diamond Housing Scheme.Rayon PaddyPaddy, 26, also identified as Nicholas James, of South Ruimveldt Park,Chile Jersey, Georgetown, had escaped from custody last January after being shot in the buttocks during a foiled robbery at the Popeye’s Restaurant on Vlissengen Road.During Friday’s raid, police recovered a .32 semi-automatic pistol with 12 rounds along with 17 rounds 5.56 calibre ammunition (used in M 16 assault rifles) and a quantity of cocaine and marijuana. A police official said that a hood and pieces of metal used to make false number plates were also found during the operation,Tom Wilson Capitals Jersey, in which five houses were searched.Investigators are also looking for a former policeman who reportedly slipped the dragnet.“The suspects were identified as being two of the men who posed as police and conducted an illegal roadblock at Mahaicony, East Coast Demerara,Washington Nationals Gio Gonzalez Jersey, on March 18, 2015, and committed an armed robbery on some salesmen,” a police release stated.The salesmen, who are employees of Mohamed Farm of Garden of Eden,Walter Payton Bears Jersey, East Bank Demerara, were returning from Berbice when they were stopped at the bogus roadblock and relieved of $900,000.They said that two of their attackers wore black police anti-crime uniforms,Chicago Cubs Greg Maddux Jersey, while the third was wearing a blue shirt and black trousers.The recent revelation comes amidst public concerns following repeated cases of men in police uniforms robbing persons at illegal roadblocks.Civilians have raised questions about how they should react when stopped at roadblocks that are located away from police stations.One official had acknowledged that even real policemen could fall prey to the bogus cops at night.Commissioner of Police,Adrian Beltre Rangers Jersey, Seelall Persaud,Baltimore Orioles Eddie Murray Jersey, subsequently announced that unless it is absolutely necessary,wholesale jerseys china, all police roadblocks should be conducted in close proximity to police stations or should be done by uniformed ranks in clearly marked police vehicles.He advised that should someone notice a roadblock that is set up in an area that is far from a police station, especially at nights, that person should try to call the police on 911 or the nearest police station.“They should try to contact us as quickly as possible, once they see a suspicious looking roadblock,” Persaud said.Another senior police officer explained that even if ranks have to be in plainclothes and in unmarked vehicles, they must carry out their operations in front of a police station where visibility is clear. The ranks should also be in possession of proper identification cards.






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