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已有 385 次阅读2017-1-24 17:42 | Chicago Cubs G, Nomar Mazara R

The PPP’s responses to the APNU’s march on Nomination Day and the events in Buxton this past week represent what has been seen as the ugliest assault by a major political party on the dignity of an ethnic group in modern Guyanese political history.This is according to Executive Member of the Working Peoples’ Alliance, David Hinds, who yesterday stated that the characterization,Detroit Tigers J. D. Martinez Jersey, in the form of press statements and advertisements on the state-owned media, of the mainly African supporters of the APNU as hooligans and thugs is not mere electoral rhetoric.Executive WPA Member David Hinds“It is the worst kind of racial profiling and framing. It is aimed at scaring Indian Guyanese, but, even more dangerously, it reflects a racial disrespect of African Guyanese that borders on racial warfare…As an African Guyanese, who is jealous of the dignity and pride of Black People,wholesale jerseys china, I cannot remain silent.”According to Hinds,Wholesale Golden State Warriors Jerseys, recent attacks on African Guyanese have to be seen in the context of a deliberate strategy by the Peoples Progressive Party Civic.“Sure of the loyalty of the Indian Guyanese community, the PPP has long sought to capture African Guyanese….Towards this end, it embarked on a two-pronged African Strategy.”He explained that first, it cynically targeted young African Guyanese with an unrelenting diet of mega-concerts replete with ‘Jump and Wave and Jam and Wine.’He says that for the second throng it initiated a programme of bribery that targeted African Guyanese of all classes.“This strategy is part of the historical framing and profiling of Black People, dating back to slavery and colonialism, as a race that is susceptible to partying and material inducements…Here is a party and government in the 21st century employing the same racial strategy of the colonial masters of old.”He says that when one links his theory with the revelations of official marginalization of African Guyanese emanating coming out of the Freddie Kissoon libel case,Tom Wilson Capitals Jersey, “this is nothing short of a not so subtle re-plantationizing of African Guyanese,St. Louis Cardinals Whitey Herzog Jersey, which cannot go unchallenged.”Hinds said that when President Jagdeo stage-managed his visit to Buxton in August 2010,Tony Dorsett Jersey, “I was very sure of the political intent and said so before and after the visit…many,Alexander Semin Canadiens Jersey, including some prominent African Guyanese and independent media houses, took issue with my opposition to the visit…The president accused me of trying to tell him where to visit.”He said that Mboya Wood, the chief organizer of the visit, now a declared PPP/C member-supporter vindicates his warning that the whole thing was a partisan “political charade.”“I was sure that the president’ s monetary gift to rebuild Tipperary Hall was a “bribe” in exchange for Buxtonians’ defection to the PPP…That is why they went back to Buxton last Thursday with a high profiled rally.”The WPA Executive posited that PPP/C went to Buxton to reap the returns on the investment-bribe.“They were sure they had captured the natives…After the President’s visit last year they went on the offensive; they boasted all over the media how they had captured Buxton with a “dance hall,” and had left David Hinds and Eusi Kwayana behind.”Hinds said that here was a party taking the politeness and perhaps naiveté of sections of a village and rubbing it in their faces and framing it as their meek surrender.“It was nasty racism that did not go un-noticed by most Buxtonians…You do not dishonour a proud people like that…You do not dent their collective pride like that. You do not throw a few million dollars at them as if that’s all they are worth…You do not try to bribe them into surrendering to domination…At some point they will see through your game and fight back.”Hinds said too that whatever happened during slavery African people emerged with their dignity intact, “In fact that dignity was central to their eventual emancipation…Since emancipation that dignity has been tested but they have never surrendered it.”He suggested that it was that dignity that greeted the PPP/C at their rally.“These were young people who were asserting their collective dignity by telling the PPP,Dino Ciccarelli Jersey, you can come to Buxton any time, but do not come on our Ancestral Ground to disrespect and bribe us; we are people too….That is why they took the PPP’s gifts and burned them.”Hinds posited that it was an act of self -activity and self-emancipation in the finest tradition of African resistance and to brand it as hooliganism is not only an insult to that tradition but also the epitome of racial rudeness.






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