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已有 424 次阅读2017-1-24 06:44 | Dino Ciccarell, Adrian Beltre

A young mother died at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC)’s Intensive Care Unit (ICU) one day after giving birth to twins.Samantha James,cheap nfl jerseys discount, 18,Tony Dorsett Jersey, of Soesdyke reportedly gave birth to two babies on Tuesday last and succumbed the following day.According to information,Michael Jordan Jersey, the young mother had a normal delivery,Alexander Semin Canadiens Jersey, but her condition took a turn for the worse a few hours later.One of the babies remained in the hospital’s maternity ward while the other is said to be in the ICU.Relatives of the 18-year-old mother have refused to comment.The hospital,Adrian Beltre Rangers Jersey, when contacted,Edson Puch Chile Jersey, said that whenever there is a maternal death,Michael Taylor Nationals Jersey, the institution will investigate,wholesale jerseys china, and this will take at least one week.






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