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Tony Dorsett Jersey ozaajmbj

已有 396 次阅读2017-1-24 06:43 | Tony Dorsett J, Nomar Mazara R

– say they can’t identify Blackman’s killersTwo prison warders have stated that they witnessed mentally ill ex-cop Solomon Blackman inflict some of the blows which claimed the life of fellow inmate Dyal Singh. But the warders claim that they could not identify any of the prisoners who stabbed and beat Blackman to death.Prison officials said that the warders gave the statements on Monday after being questioned by detectives who are continuing their investigations into the recent double-murder in the Camp Street jail.Kaieteur News understands that the prison officers claimed that they arrived in time to see Blackman inflict the final blows on the hapless Dyal in the Capital dormitory.But according to a source,Chile Jersey, they claimed that the mob which attacked Blackman was so large that they could not identify the individuals.The inmates had turned on the former TSU rank after he bludgeoned his victim.Blackman had killed two policemen at the Brickdam Station on March 1,Adam Lundqvist Sweden Jersey, 2004.He was known to have had a long history of mental illness and some prison sources described him as a trouble makerSome persons have expressed the view that the mentally unstable man should not have been housed with other inmates.Meanwhile,Tony Dorsett Jersey, police officials said that they unearthed some improvised weapons and a small quantity of marijuana during an extensive search of the Georgetown Prison yesterday.






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