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已有 451 次阅读2017-1-24 06:41 | Alexander Semi, Tony Dorsett J

The lawns of the Public Service Commission (PSC) attracted a picketing exercise yesterday. The exercise was engaged as a public effort to retaliate the non-appointments and failure on the part of Government to pay duly earned financial benefits to certain public servants.The exercise was orchestrated by Lincoln Lewis, General Secretary of the Caribbean Congress of Labour; Mark Benschop, Head of Benschop Foundation; and columnist, Frederick Kissoon,Deron Williams Team USA Jersey, all of whom have expressed public concerns through similar activities in the recent past.According to Kissoon, yesterday’s feat was organised following a shocking statement by Minister of Finance,Jon Casey Jersey, Dr Ashni Singh, that Justice Jainarayan Singh is not entitled to post retirement money since he has been acting in the capacity of Puisne Judge.“When you take that statement and you put it alongside what the Minister of Education went on record as saying to the press “that there are a lot of public servants that are acting,” it is sad. The Education Minister made this comment when he was asked why his Ministry hasn’t confirmed the Acting Chief Education Officer. He said that it is not his Ministry’s jurisdiction, it’s a Public Service Commission’s and there are many like Ms Genevieve Whyte-Nedd.”And given the current state of affairs, Kissoon speculated that a substantial number of persons will reach the age of retirement and have nothing because they are acting. Such developments, he noted, can simply be regarded as dictatorship. “Not even Forbes Burnham did that…That is dictatorship plain and simple.”According to the out-spoken columnist, hardships that some public servants are made to endure are merely another manifestation of the tragedy of Guyana.“This man was sworn in by the President of this country. After eight years how can you tell a man that he is still acting?” questioned a perturbed Lincoln Lewis. “Something is wrong. This thing is serious; this is clear discrimination against some people in this country.“What we are seeing is discrimination in all forms based on your politics and even ethnicity and we have to deal with it now.”It is Lewis’ belief that public servants should not be treated as subjects as they too have rights that should ensure that they are treated with respect. He stressed the point that President Jagdeo sought to ensure that the Parliament made provisions for him to get a lucrative pension.According to Benschop,Alexander Semin Canadiens Jersey, the unacceptable treatment meted out to some public servants is uncalled for and is unprecedented. He underscored the point that senior public officers should not be forced to act for many years and then are denied what is rightfully due to them.“If they are all actors we might as well round all of them up and send them to Hollywood so that they can star in some big movie.” Judge Jainarayan Singh,St. Louis Cardinals Whitey Herzog Jersey, Benschop noted,Adrian Beltre Rangers Jersey, came out and voice the dilemma he now faces even after giving his service.The PPP, he revealed,Tony Dorsett Jersey, appointed Singh and had given him orders in some cases.However,Tom Wilson Capitals Jersey, they (Government) were upset when Singh made decisions against them, Benschop speculated. “He didn’t turn out to be the kind of political puppet they wanted him to be.”According to Benschop, although it was through a ruling by Judge Singh that saw him (Benschop) being incarcerated, he holds no grudge against him even. He added that justice must be served at all cost, thus the need for more persons to speak.“We have a dictatorship and that is why we are out here today to confront the dictatorship and ask that persons be confirmed into their positions. Other than that maybe persons should just go on a general strike.“It is not going to work. At the end of the day when they finish their service they will get no thanks from the government, no gratuity,wholesale jerseys china, absolutely nothing and they will be the losers,” Benschop asserted.The three pickets sporting placards that highlighted the existence of racial discrimination and exploitation of public servants, traversed the thoroughfare outside the Commission calling for support from other concerned citizens.The exercise attracted the attention of a police rank who arrived soon after its commencement.






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