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已有 395 次阅读2017-1-23 20:48 | Christian Vazq, NFL Jerseys Ch

Art Education in public schools is something which has been on theSeveral of the paintings which were displayed yesterday.decline for several years. A majority of the schools which are pushing heavily on reinforcing the “Arts in school” are privately owned. One such school is the American School in Prashad Nagar which showcased their art exhibition yesterday.Art Instructor at the school Mrs. Collette Jones- Chin described the work by students as ‘nothing short of exceptional.’ “The work produced by the children is at the level of a second year Burrows School Art student,Boston Red Sox Clay Buchholz Jersey,” Chin said.Chin told Kaieteur News that the art program at the school has helped a number of students to unleash their talent.? “I’ve exposed every student to every form of art,Enrique Hernandez Dodgers Jersey, every technique,Wholesale Golden State Warriors Jerseys, every style,wholesale jerseys china, every medium.”Chin said she would recommend that government schools introduce new programs where art is taught as a vehicle to learn. “Everything is colourful and creative; no one uses chalk and talk…times have changed” Chin told Kaieteur News.One of the pieces that was created by a student.






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