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已有 409 次阅读2017-1-23 20:47 | Baltimore Orio, Adam Lundqvist

– foreign exchange earnings slightly reducedBy Brushell BlackmanDespite experiencing low paddy prices for most of last year, the rice industry produced 359,728 tonnes of paddy last year.The figure represents an increase in production of more than 30,000 tonnes as compared to 2008.Additionally, the industry’s foreign exchange earnings remained relatively constant despite,Ron Duguay Rangers Jersey, world rice prices dropping by as much as 25 percent last year.The figures show that US$ 114,120,Detroit Tigers J. D. Martinez Jersey,323.83 was derived in foreign exchange earnings as compared to US$118,032,802.90 in 2008.In an invited comment,Matias Fernandez Chile Jersey, Agriculture Minister,Michael Taylor Nationals Jersey, Robert Persaud said that the achievement is a notable one taking into consideration certain factors that would have adversely affected the industry. Chief among them was the prolonged dry spell that the farming community experienced for most of the second crop in 2009.Persaud said that with that bumper crop the country was able to honour its regular commitments to loyal overseas customers. Further he said that Guyana was able to supply Venezuela with 50,000 tonnes of paddy, even as more overseas markets are being sought. He disclosed that shortly, a delegation will be visiting Colombia and Haiti to negotiate substantial and sizeable deals with those two countries.When quizzed about the reality of a deal despite a well publicised paddy contamination issue between the two countries, Persaud stated that the issue has been resolved.In an earlier comment,Jon Casey Jersey, Minister Persaud had told this newspaper that it has been established that, contamination of the paddy had taken place in Colombia and not in Guyana. That shipment of paddy was never returned to Guyana, an indication that Bogotá has accepted that it was not Guyana’s fault. Persaud had also indicated that preliminary discussions were held with Colombia and a number of issues were addressed by the two parties.Additionally, he said that there needs to be more discussions on a number of issues,Wholesale Baltimore Orioles Jerseys, chief among them,St. Louis Cardinals Whitey Herzog Jersey, Phytosanitary. He had then expressed confidence that a deal could be realised between the two South American countries.Persaud had stressed that there is a need to diversify the rice market and not just depend on the traditional European and Caricom markets. He had said that he hopes that the move is not interpreted as a move away from these traditional markets.Noting the current global financial crisis, Persaud said that it is important as an exporting country, Guyana has more options as it regards to where it sells its commodity. He said that such a move is just to put a buffer in place in the event that for unforeseen reasons,Michael Jordan Jersey, those traditional markets are unable to honour their commitment.






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