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已有 360 次阅读2017-1-23 20:45 | Chicago Cubs T, Edson Puch Chi

Yesterday,Enrique Hernandez Dodgers Jersey, Melanie Grace Cox Rodriquez and Genesis Vieira appeared before Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court,Chicago Cubs Greg Maddux Jersey, where they were told to either pay? a fine of $30,Tony Dorsett Jersey,000 each? or? spend the next three months behind bars for the charges of illegal entry which were read to them.Both women pleaded guilty to the charges which alleged that on November 11,Baltimore Orioles Eddie Murray Jersey, at Charity,Christian Vazquez Red Sox Jersey, on the Essequibo Coast they entered Guyana by sea and disembarked without the consent of an Immigration Officer.Speaking through Interpreter Stephanie Mohansingh,Edson Puch Chile Jersey, the Venezuelan women stated that they have? no prior convictions and explained that they visited Guyana for the ‘holidays.’Rodriquez and Vieira opted to pay the fine.






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