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已有 417 次阅读2017-1-23 20:43 | Baltimore Orio, Dino Ciccarell

The Government Technical Institute (GTI) has churned out 500 graduates equipped with technical skills that would help develop the various sectors in Guyana,NFL Jerseys Cheap, particularly building and construction, which have been expanding in recent years.Among the graduates stood Colin Quintyn, valedictorian of the class of 2013. He graduated with a distinction in Technician Diploma in Building and Civil Engineering.Colin Quintyn receives his certificate from lecturer,Christian Vazquez Red Sox Jersey, Mr. Ruel AlleyneAddressing colleagues and the gathering of education officials and proud parents and friends at the National Cultural Centre yesterday evening, Quintyn provided a synopsis of his tenure at GTI.He stated that hard work, determination and play were critical ingredients for his recipe for success. He reminisced on the stumbling blocks that allowed him to climb.Quintyn thanked God, his parents and lecturers,Matias Fernandez Chile Jersey, particularly Mr. Ruel Alleyne, for his achievement. Referring to Alleyne, he said “I stand before you today an individual equipped with more knowledge and the morals you instilled in me.”In expressing continued gratitude towards Alleyne, he recited a powerful inspiring poem,Edson Puch Chile Jersey, “Our Deepest Fear” by Marianne Williamson. The poem speaks volume of the influence Alleyne had on Quintyn and other students. The first stanza reads:“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.It is our light,Wholesale Baltimore Orioles Jerseys, not our darkness that most frightens us.”He charged his colleagues to “emancipate yourself from mental slavery” referring to the lyrics of the late Bob Marley’s ‘Redemption Song’.The task of delivering the keynote address at the ceremony was entrusted to Melcita Bovell,cheap nfl jerseys discount, Co-ordinator of School Boards, in the absence of Education Minister Priya Manickchand.She reminded the graduates that GTI’s training prepares them to be entrepreneurs rather than employees. The skills gained at GTI, she said,Alen Halilovic Jersey, would contribute to the continued growth of Guyana, where not only the skills of architects and large builders are required but plumbers and tile layers.The graduates being acknowledged at yesterday’s ceremony at the National Cultural Centre.Bovell emphasized that the world is recognizing the need for technical education and Government is making strides in this regard. Already, efforts are being made to have Technical Education introduced at Grade Seven in secondary schools.Though the graduates have departed the institution they would still have an opportunity to get their Caribbean Vocational Qualification (CVQ). Bovell explained that graduates could approach GTI next year,Dino Ciccarelli Jersey, present their certificate, and request to write an exam for to have their CVQ.






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