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已有 448 次阅读2017-1-23 20:42 | Tony Dorsett J, Adrian Beltre

The Guyana Police Force is still to receive any official report of physical assault of persons at the People’s Progressive Party Civic political meeting at Buxton last Thursday.This is despite claims by the party that their supporters came under physical attack,Jon Casey Jersey, and an appeal by the Guyana Police Force for anyone who may have been the victim of any form of assault to make a report to the nearest police station.“The Guyana Police Force wishes to state that it has received no such report though this does not mean that the incident of beating may not have occurred. The ranks on duty at the meeting also neither saw nor received any report of beatings,Alexander Semin Canadiens Jersey,” the police said in a statement on Saturday.Police sources on the East Coast of Demerara have indicated that there were more than 20 ranks on duty during the meeting,St. Louis Cardinals Whitey Herzog Jersey, which was addressed by Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee among other senior government officials.None of the ranks on duty reported anything near to physical assault, nor did the Minister of Home Affairs who has responsibility over the Guyana Police Force.At a recent press conference,Matias Fernandez Chile Jersey, the People’s Progressive Party Civic indicated that it is preparing to lodge complaints with the Guyana Elections Commission and to the International Community,Chicago Cubs Travis Wood Jersey, on what it calls attempts by the opposition to disrupt and intimidate persons who attended its public meeting in Buxton on Thursday.According to the ruling party the complaints are also expected to include reports of acts of violence and vandalism such as the beating of PPP/C supporters in Buxton as well as the removal of bridges and gates in the troubled community by persons that expressed their support for the ruling administration.But A Partnership for National Unity’s spokesperson Lance Carberry dismissed the notions by Persaud as nonsense.He said that the PPP/C is looking to create hysteria. One only needs to look at the advertisements being put in the public domain by the ruling party, he added.According to Carberry,Adrian Beltre Rangers Jersey, the reports that PPP/C supporters were beaten following the meeting are total fabrication. This newspaper had contacted Police Commissioner Henry Greene on Saturday about the allegations and he noted that,Tom Wilson Capitals Jersey, “in an elections season you will hear all kinds of things.”And some Buxtonians are upset with the allegations which amount to an unwarranted labeling of the village. “The PPP is coming here and preaching reconciliation and on the other hand they are going out there and giving a bad impression of Buxtonians,” one villager said.“Rohee was there,Christian Vazquez Red Sox Jersey, why he didn’t tell the Commissioner about the physical attacks?” another Buxtonian asked.






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