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Dino Ciccarelli Jersey pux5lfxg

已有 431 次阅读2017-1-23 10:04 | Dino Ciccarell

A high level team from the Rice Research Station of Suriname (SNRI/ADRON) is currently in Guyana to examine strides being made in this country’s rice industry and the possibility of using our experience as a model for Suriname’s rice farmers.The team which is headed by Lakhram Soerdjan MP – Director ADRON,NFL Jerseys Cheap, Nareen Gajadin Agronomist ADRON,Christian Vazquez Red Sox Jersey, Gilbert Nojotaroeno,Tom Wilson Capitals Jersey, Plant Breeder ADRON, Harinandan Oemraw Farmer SPBA (Farmer Organization) and Freddy Tawjoeram Miller (Sunrice Mill) ISO certified,Chicago Cubs Travis Wood Jersey, paid a courtesy call on Robert Persaud,Deron Williams Team USA Jersey, Minister of Agriculture.Minister Robert Persaud stated that the exchange visit of technical officers will create greater linkages between the two rice growing neighbouring countries.He added that Guyana and Suriname are the major rice producing countries in CARICOM and linkage between the two countries are necessary for rice trade in CARICOM.Minister Persaud also highlighted that Guyana’s rice industry has been experiencing increased production over the past years, with record high targets.He added that Guyana will also explore the possibility of exporting paddy to Suriname since its rice industry experienced a decline and to take advantage of its milling capacity.The visit stemmed from a memorandum of understanding agreed on August 1,St. Louis Cardinals Whitey Herzog Jersey, 2009 between Ministers of Agriculture of Suriname and Guyana on collaboration of rice research in both countries. Hence,Tony Dorsett Jersey, a team from the Guyana Rice Development Board visited the Rice Research Station of Suriname (SNRI/ADRON) last month.The exchange is expected to give the neighbouring countries an opportunity to share research,Alexander Semin Canadiens Jersey, management practices and knowledge for a more competitive and sustainable rice industry.The first phase as set out in the MOU has been completed and an action plan for further cooperation will be developed between Guyana and Suriname.






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