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已有 402 次阅读2017-1-23 10:03 | Boston Red Sox, Nomar Mazara R

A brave young policeman narrowly escaped death when he was stabbed below his left side jaw with a broken bottle by notorious criminal suspect, Jermaine Jerrick.Jerrick had staged a daring breakout from the Cove and John Police Station lock-ups on the East Coast of Demerara, early yesterday morning.Constable Benjamin displays the wound which is a mere inch from his throat.Constable Elton Benjamin was pursuing Jerrick when he sustained the wound that was intended for his throat. His assailant missed.The policeman was rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital where he was treated and subsequently sent away.Kaieteur News understands that Jerrick, a member of the infamous Aranka Gang that was terrorizing gold miners a couple of years ago, was on Friday held along with two other men at Cove and John on suspicion of possession of narcotics.He was being held in one of the lock-ups when he demanded to go to the outdoor toilet around 06:30 hours.Constable Benjamin accompanied him and stood guard outside for about five minutes while Jerrick used the facility.“He then push open the toilet door, push me down and started to run,St. Louis Cardinals Whitey Herzog Jersey,” the young Cop told this newspaper.He ran behind the fleeing prisoner and managed to catch up with him in a rice field about half mile away.Realizing that he was cornered, Jerrick picked up a piece of wood and dealt the policeman a blow to his head but this did not deter the cop who continued to try to apprehend him.They ended up in a nearby trench and Jerrick briefly managed to getaway. He tried stealing a bicycle that was left lying on a dam but abandoned that move when he was confronted by the owner.Again the persistent cop caught up with him and after another brief scuffle they again ended up in a trench.“I held on to him in the rice field,Tony Dorsett Jersey, we crossed two trenches and I brought him on the main road.”Sensing that the Cop was not letting up, the notorious criminal suspect became desperate and grabbing a bottle he stabbed the young policeman.“He picked up a Heineken bottle and I still grab onto him, but he break the bottle and he bore me,Alexander Semin Canadiens Jersey,” Constable Benjamin related.According to eyewitness, it was a fierce battle but no one went to the Cop’s assistance,Chicago Cubs Greg Maddux Jersey, although he was fully clad in his uniform and had called out for help.It was only after he was wounded that persons rushed to assist him.“After he juk me,Wholesale Golden State Warriors Jerseys, I fall down and concerned citizens pick me up, and when I catch myself, I was at Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation,” Benjamin said.He received several stitches to seal the wound under his jaw bone.While trying to escape,cheap nfl jerseys discount, Jerrick shed all of his clothes, even down to his briefs,Adrian Beltre Rangers Jersey, leaving them behind.“He was naked when he ran away, naked as he born,” the constable added.Jerrick was part of a five- man gang that was captured in 2010 by a party of policemen who were deployed to hunt them down following a reign of terror in a part of Guyana gold fields,Edson Puch Chile Jersey, during which they allegedly robbed miners of their production.He had previously served time for similar offences and is said to be very violent in nature.Jerrick also made the news in March 2011 when he severely wounded prison inmate Randy Joseph, a former Buxton gang member, during a fracas in the Georgetown Prison compound where they were both on remand.This was in retaliation to a beating that Jerrick had suffered at the hands of some Buxton gang members a few days earlier.Up to last night the police had not issued an official statement on the recent escape but a senior police source on East Coast Demerara has indicated that a wanted bulletin will soon be issued.Almost a month ago Police Constable Derwin Pitman collapsed and died in a North Sophia alleyway while chasing a prisoner who had escaped from the Prashad Nagar Police Outpost.While many initially thought that he was electrocuted by the illegal electric wires that crisscrossed the community, a post mortem examination later revealed that he suffered a heart attack.






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