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已有 383 次阅读2017-1-23 10:01 | NFL Jerseys Ch, Michael Taylor

Last year, a stunning and beautiful young lady walked away with the title of Miss Bartica Regatta 2008. Since winning the title, her life has changed and several doors have been opened to her, resulting in her becoming a more recognized and rounded individual.This year,Boston Red Sox Clay Buchholz Jersey, the search is on for another beautiful and intelligent young lady to be crowned Miss Bartica Regatta 2009.The Miss Bartica Regatta Committee is inviting all young ladies who are interested and meet the required criteria to get in contact with them and register to vie for the coveted title and crown.Interested applicants must be between the ages of 16 and 22,cheap nfl jerseys discount, be unmarried and, of course,Tom Wilson Capitals Jersey, have no children.The most important criteria, however,Michael Taylor Nationals Jersey, is that anyone who intends to vie for the title must be a Bartician, and be willing to make themselves available for practice sessions, which will be executed in Bartica.The registration deadline is set at January 30,Baltimore Orioles Eddie Murray Jersey, while the actual pageant is slated for April 12.? Potential entrants should make contact with the Region Seven Chairman, Holbert Knights,Detroit Tigers J. D. Martinez Jersey, on telephone number 665-6887, or the Pageant Coordinator,Tony Dorsett Jersey, Sonjie Barslowe-DeBarros, on telephone number 678-3038.The Miss Bartica Regatta pageant has been in existence for a number of years,Matias Fernandez Chile Jersey, and is one of the many well-organized events in the arena of pageantry.






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