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已有 389 次阅读2017-1-22 23:29 | Edson Puch Chi, Tony Dorsett J

Marian D’Aguiar,Alen Halilovic Jersey, 28,Matias Fernandez Chile Jersey, is currently hospitalized at the Lethem Hospital,Chicago Cubs Travis Wood Jersey, after she was severely beaten by her reputed husband on Thursday night.D’Aguiar suffered injuries to her head and other parts of her body when she was beaten with an object containing a padlock and long rod.D’Aguiar said that her reputed husband becomes abusive whenever he is under the influence of alcohol. She said that on Thursday night she called the police four times and they did not go to her rescue.It was her children’s screaming that alerted neighbours,cheap nfl jerseys discount, who then averted a disaster.?The woman has said that she has been a victim of abuse for several years.Last year,Michael Jordan Jersey, during an abusive episode,Jon Casey Jersey, she sustained an injury to her right eye and had to be rushed to Georgetown to undergo surgery.? Also, in July,Chicago Cubs Greg Maddux Jersey, she suffered two fractured ribs.D’Aguiar’s reputed husband was taken into police custody on Thursday night, but was released yesterday.D’Aguiar said that she is fearful for her life,Deron Williams Team USA Jersey, since he reportedly promised to kill her.






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